- 1. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Full Professor Professor of the Department of Social Work and Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium», (Chernihiv, Ukraine)
- 2. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Family and Social Pedagogy and Psychology, State Institution «K.D. Ushinsky South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University» (Odessa, Ukraine)
- 3. PhD of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department medical and biological disciplines and physical education, V.G. Korolenko Poltava National Pedagogical University (Poltava, Ukraine)
Problem. Improving the quality of assessment of higher education outcomes and more active implementation of academic integrity in the use of health technologies in universities by both teachers and graduates of bachelor's and master's degrees in various specialties is becoming important.
The purpose of the proposed intelligence is to analyze the problem of objective assessment and academic integrity in the use of health technologies in higher education.
Research methodology: based on general principles of philosophy, basic modern principles of pedagogical science, psychology and reflects the relationship of methodological approaches to studying the process of academic integrity and the use of health technologies in higher education in Ukraine.
Object of research: educational process in higher education institutions of Ukraine.
Scientific novelty. It is substantiated that objective assessment is an important component of academic integrity in the process of using health technologies in higher education institutions of Ukraine Conclusions. 1. Determining the place and role of health technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions. 2. Promoting the awareness of students of higher education institutions about academic integrity, academic culture. 3. Implementation of the principles of academically honest assessment. 4. During the proposed survey and the results of the survey of higher education students on the use of health technologies in the educational process of three higher education institutions (the survey involved 112 higher education institutions of various specialties) was fully confirmed the fact that assessment of knowledge and practical skills in the use of health technologies for higher education students currently remains a significant component of the education system. 5. Evaluation system – a component of academic culture.
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