Published September 11, 2022 | Version v1
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[IO Islamic 3166] Majmû'a-i-shu'arâ


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Majmû’a-i-shu’arâ ( مجموعۀ شعرا ).

Selections from the poems of about 686 Persian poets, By Sirâj-aldîn Ḥusainî of Aurangâbâd, with the takhalluṣ Sirâj, also called ديوان منتخب or rather منتخب ديوانها , which gives as date of completion A.H. 1169=A.D. 1756 (see fol. 3a, l. 7). A biography of the author and a list of those poets whose dates of death are mentioned are found in A. Sprenger, Catal., p. 148 sq.

Beginning of the preface, on fol. 1b: ديباچۀ كتاب شرح و بيان حمد سخن آفرينى است كه فهرست جميع اسماء صفاتى الخ .

A complete index of the poets on ff. 4b-11a.

Beginning of the selections (in alphabetical order) on fol. 11b, with Shafî’â Athar (who died A.H. 1124 = A.D. 1712). Dated the 12th of Muḥarram, A.H. 1191 (A.D. 1777, February 20), and written for Mîr Ḍiyâ-aldîn Muḥammadkhân. This copy is obviously the same which was formerly in the possession of Mr. Hall, see A. Sprenger, Catal., p. 149, note.

No. 3166, ff. 234, 2 coll., each ll. 13; Nasta’lîḳ, mixed with Shikasta; size, 83/4 in. by 53/8 in.



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