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Published August 31, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Lee Maracle's Celia's Song as a Climate Fiction (Cli-fi)

  • 1. Associate Professor The Research Centre of English Dean of Academic Affairs (Arts) Fatima College (Autonomous) Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj UniversityMadurai
  • 2. Research ScholarnThe Research Centre of English Fatima College (Autonomous) Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai


Climate change, a brimming issue that can no longer be evaded has found its way into the literary arena in the recent times. The paper aims to analyse Lee Maracle’s novel Celia’s Song as a Climate Fiction (Cli-fi). The research paper attempts to trace the origin of climate fiction and throw light upon its characteristic features which make it unique. It also focusses on how the writer uses climate fiction to highlight the existing social and cultural problems and also to provide solutions to these problems



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