Published September 7, 2022 | Version 8
Journal article Open

Mushroom Growth Of Universities In Pakistan: Issues, Challenges And Way Forward


There is an incredible growth in the number of universities and enrolment of students inthe last 2 decades in Pakistan. As per currently available statistics forthe year 2021, there are 232 public and private universities/Degree Awarding Institutes in Pakistan, including 141 public and 91 private sector universities. Majority of these universities were established during the last 20-25 years.However, most of these universities/campuses are offering substandard higher education. This is not only resulting in the production of low-quality manpower but also contributing to unemployment. This study is an attempt to highlight the reasons behind the mushroom growth of universities/enrolment causing the lowering of education quality and attract the attention of the policymakers to take care of all pre-requisites before the establishment of universities / sub-campuses and adhere to the proposals made in the recommendations. Mix technique has been adopted comprising descriptive & qualitative method of research.  The study is primarily based on primary and secondary sources of data and a review of relevant literature on the topic. Some statistical data was electronically obtained from Ministry of Planning, Development and Special InitiativesIslamabad, and Statistical Division HEC, Islamabad. The data have been analyzed to understand the issues and challenges faced by universities in Pakistan and also reach a few practicablerecommendations.



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