Published August 30, 2022 | Version v2
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RESISTIRE Factsheet: Crisis Management for All: Inclusive, Multi-Actor Crisis Management

  • 1. Sabanci University
  • 1. European Science Foundation
  • 2. Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • 3. Yellow Window


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of a European-level response to crises, for which the development of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) was an important, yet insufficient, first step. In order to develop the capacity of European countries and the European Union to respond to future crises in ways that do not increase the existing gender+ inequalities or create new ones, there is an urgent need to develop comprehensive, inclusive, multi-actor crisis management plans that build on a gender+ intersectional approach.


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RESISTIRE – RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies 101015990
European Commission