Published June 15, 2022
| Version v1
Journal article
Translation techniques of subtitle from english into indonesian in a movie: a case on literature
- 1. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Study Program
- 2. Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
- 3. Universitas Diponegoro
- 4. Universitas HKBP Nommensen
The object of research: This study is aimed to categorize the types of translation techniques and the most prevalent translation techniques used in movie subtitles, because the phenomenon that frequently occurs shows that it has a tendency to use subtitles regardless of their disadvantages, so the translator requires appropriate translation techniques in order to transfer the message clearly from the source language into the target language
Investigated problem: The recent phenomenon in Indonesia shows that it has the tendency on using the subtitle regardless its drawback. As it is known, there is still the use of subtitles that are not of good quality and there is also the use of subtitles whose quality is much better based on the use appropriate translation techniques.
Methodology: To answer the research question, a descriptive qualitative research strategy was utilized, as well as content analysis, which focuses on the analysis of the sorts of translation approaches proposed by Molina and Albir. The researchers used movie and documentation as the research instrument. The data source of this research was the movie script "The Spongebob Movie: Sponge on The Run"
The area of practical use of the research results: As the result of this research, the researchers found 14 types of translation techniques. The most dominant of translation techniques is literal translation 67 data (33.5 %), followed by modulation 55 data (27.5 %), generalization 26 data (13 %), linguistic amplification 11 data (5.5 %), established equivalence 9 data (4.5 %), linguistic compression 8 data (4 %), transposition 7 data (3.5 %), compensation 5 data (2.5 %), calque and reduction 3 data for each other (1.5 %), borrowing and discursive creation 2 data for each other (1 %), adaptation and description 1 data for each other (0.5 %). Involving the total data are 200 data
Innovative technological product: The result of this research as the reflection and references for linguists and scientist not only to the quality of machine translation such as google translate, and so on but also to the use of good translation in the subtitle in the future.
Scope of the innovative technological product: The scope lies on the subtitle product produced by translator. The translator needs to know the target (audience) and the translation must meet the criteria and the target.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the translation techniques used in the translation of subtitle are literal translation and modulation. The result shows that literal translation and modulation are the main contributors on the translation techniques in order to accurately translate it
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