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Published September 5, 2022 | Version 1
Software Open



  • 1. Beijing Normal University



The CLUMondo-bnu is an improved version of the CLUMondo model.  Compared to the original version of the CLUMondo model, we add an automatic method for adaptively determining conversion orders.

We provide the source code of the CLUMondo-bnu model, which is modified on the basis of the source code of the CLUMondo model provided by VEGU (

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


CLUMondo-bnu is based C++ and Python.  Your computer needs to install the C++ environment and install Python.  Jenkspy, numpy and os packages in Python also need to be installed.  The following steps we will describe how to compile the source code into an executable file:

Step 1: Use CMake software to build the source code into a C++ project.

Step 2: Configure the project's Python environment.  First, you right-click the project to open the properties, and add the include folder (such as D:\Python\Python39\include) of the python installation location in the configuration properties - C/C++ - general - additional include directory.  Second, you need to add Python's libs folder (such as D:\Python\Python39\libs) under Configuration Properties - VC++ Directory - Library Directory.

Step 3: Build the solution in Visual Studio, then get the executable file.

Step 4: You need to copy the file and python39.dll to the directory where the executable is.

Possible problems

If you meet the error that unable to open python**_d.lib (such as python39_d.lib), you will find that there is no static library file in your python/libs directory.  The easiest way to solve the error is to copy a copy of python**.lib and rename it to python**_d. lib.

How to use CLUMondo-bnu


Before you use the CLUMondo-bnu, you need to process a set of data in the same way that the CLUMondo model process it.

Then, you need to copy the data to the folder where the executable resides.

In addition, you need to create “mode.txt” where the executable resides.

Specific steps

Step1: Open the CMD.exe, and modify the current path of CMD.exe to the path stored by the executable file.

Step2: If you want to use the method, you need to write “1” to “mode.txt”. If you don’t want to use the method, you need to write “0” to “mode.txt”.

Step3: Type ‘the name of the executable file (Including file suffix) demand.in1 region.asc’.  Then type the enter key and the comparative experiment starts running.

Step4: The experiment got the result when we got the file named ‘cov_all.1.asc’.


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