DGS Cui-Rods: Reinventing Mathematical Concepts
- 1. Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs PhD, University of Ioannina MEd, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Curriculum materials are instructional materials produced to be used for teaching and learning. Successful teaching requires new materials and innovative approaches. In the present study, I shall present DGS Cui-rods an instructional material for effective teaching and learning of mathematical concepts. I created them in the Geometer’s Sketchpad environment. Dynamic geometry environments allow students to discover and reinvent a wide range of mathematical concepts and their relationships. During problem-solving situations, students are able to construct meanings. They are led to create their personal representations of mathematical concepts and transform them. The design of activities in the learning environment as a part of the instruction thus has a crucial role to play. In the next sections, I shall describe how learning through DGS Cui-Ros affects students’ cognitive structure’s transformations and consequently their cognitive growth.
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