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Published June 8, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Stakeholder mapping report, covering the case studies. Deliverable D1.1 of the EU Horizon 2020 project OPTAIN.

  • 1. Royal HaskoningDHV
  • 2. Norwegian Institute for Water Research - NIVA


Project leader:

Project manager:

  • 1. Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe - GWP CEE
  • 2. Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH - UFZ



Deliverable report D1.1 of the EU Horizon 2020 Project OPTAIN (Grant agreement No. 862756)



The lead of the first Work Package (WP1) in OPTAIN coordinates and harmonizes stakeholder activities and ensures the link between the 14 OPTAIN case studies, research and modelling work across all WPs. At the start of the OPTAIN project, WP1 facilitates the establishment of Multi-Actor Reference Groups (MARG) in each case study and provides communication techniques to encourage active stakeholder engagement for the lifetime of OPTAIN.

Stakeholder engagement is important because a sound scientific solution not necessarily results in solving a real-world problem. Key lesson learned is that engagement of stakeholders is essential during all phases of the project: the phase of the identification of the problem, assessment of the problem, scenarios to solve the problem and in the phase of implementing the solution.

The purpose of the stakeholder mapping activity is to identify possible and relevant stakeholders for the reference group, the MARG. Applying a top-down approach, the different case study leaders have been responsible for identifying stakeholders and to categorise them according to pre-defined categories. The pre-defined categories were used as a framework to enable a comparative analytical approach of the case studies, as presented in this report. The various stakeholders may or may not be contacted as part of the mapping exercise. More relevant stakeholders are likely to "appear" during the project period. Then, the concerning stakeholder information should be added to this table for project record.

The need for case study leaders (CSL) to consider the intended engagement role for stakeholders in the project research cycle was emphasized when identifying and prioritising stakeholders for involvement. It is expected that the number of stakeholders involved in each case study will increase during the project period and that the current stakeholders identified for participation in the MARGs may change. This stakeholder mapping report is prepared prior to the actual engagement activities in the project.


OPTAIN D1.1 - Stakeholder mapping report final_revised_2022.pdf

Files (1.8 MB)

Additional details


OPTAIN – OPtimal strategies to retAIN and re-use water and nutrients in small agricultural catchments across different soil-climatic regions in Europe 862756
European Commission