Published August 31, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Post covid pulmonary complications in patients attending tertiary care centre

  • 1. (Departmentofpulmonarymedicine,AssistantProfessor)2Departmentofgeneralmedicine,AssistantProfessor3(Departmentofpulmonarymedicine,JuniorResident)




SARS-COV-2  has  caused  morbidity  and  mortality  at  an  unprecedented  scale  globally. During recovery, several  patients are  found  to  have  functional  impairment  and  radiological abnormalities.

Materials and Methods:

This is a prospective observational study done in 109 patients attending GHCCD, AMC Visakhapatnam during July 2021 to November 2021. This study is approved by institutional ethics committee. After taking a informed consent from patient, detailed history is taken. All the clinical data was statistically analysed and results were obtained.

Results: Diabetes, unvaccination,  severe  covid  at  admission, mechanical  ventilation,  older  age  contribute  to  severe  post-covid complications.  Regular  follow up,  rehabilitation  therapy,  screening for  tuberculosis  is  to  be  considered.

Conclusion: post covid fibrosis is the commonest pulmonary complication of covid 19 and presenting with poor prognosis when associated with cavitation, pneumothorax , necrotizing pneumonia.



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