Published August 29, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Power Of Attorney Legality For Indonesian Citizens From Overseas To Proceed In Indonesian Courts

  • 1. Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Taruna Surabaya


A power of attorney can be given to others as a delegation to do things. It is discussed about Indonesian citizens from abroad to be valid to appear in the Indonesian Court. It also discusses the validity of the power of attorney documents of Indonesian citizens from Indonesia to appear in foreign courts. Uses secondary data from journals, articles, books, and internet sites as references. The terms of a power of attorney made abroad are to submit and participate in the provisions of the court where the lawsuit can be received or filed or known by the basic name lex fori. In addition, overseas power of attorney can also be considered valid if legalized by the local Embassy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Legalization is done as a legal assurance for the court in Indonesia that it is true that the creation of a power of attorney in the country concerned so as not to raise doubts. We need to be concerned about the four absolute requirements contained in SEMA No.2 of 1959. If one of the conditions is not fulfilled, then the power of attorney is considered invalid. That's why we recommend filling the conditions to get the legalization of a power of attorney.


foreign, Indonesian citizens, Indonesian courts,legality, power of attorney


A Power Of Attorney Legality For Indonesian Citizens From Overseas To Proceed In Indonesian Courts.pdf

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Journal article: 10.30996/jhmo.v5i2.6407 (DOI)


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