Published May 27, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Innovative Design Trends in the Formation of Urban Environment

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to study the main modern trends of design as an independent type of projective and artistic activity, which creates a harmonious and ecological space of human habitat in the urban environment. The research methodology is determined by analytical, structural methods and systematic approach, which made it possible to analyze the innovative trends of urban design, which have their own object of project activity, arsenal of research and project methods, as well as their interaction with architecture and urban planning. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the interaction of innovative design trends in the formation of the city’s space, filling it with humanistic narratives through the use of modern art practices. Conclusions. It is determined that the city design, actively interacting with the art to create a harmonious space of human habitation, covered all components of the city among which are buildings, public space, streets, transport to the landscape. Innovative design trends are aimed at solving not only design and functional, but also aesthetic, environmental and social solutions. They contribute to the maintenance of compositional equilibrium, the formation of a creative environment, and aesthetics prevails over utilitarian. It is emphasized that the use of interactive technologies in design has become a significant component of modern ideas about the comfort of urban space. Modern design is based on the ideas of transformation of abandoned territories into places of public recreation, improving the quality of life, the level of competitiveness of the region, tourist attractiveness of the territory. Modern cities require not only comfortable living for people, but also the development of industrial zones and solving environmental issues, bringing people closer to nature and traditional culture. It has been proved that the modern development of urbanization is aimed at humanization and humanitarianization, solves urgent economic problems of keeping and building territories, reducing the negative effects of population compaction and global warming.



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