Published August 17, 2022 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Introduction: Growing back better to regenerate STEM Education

  • 1. School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies, DCU Institute of Education, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland


On the 24th and 25th of June 2022 educators, researchers, teachers, students, and other members of the STEM education learning ecosystem from Ireland and beyond gathered in Dublin City University for CASTeL’s 9th STEM Education research conference (SMEC). Taking a cue from what has been posited as an affective turn in social science research (Dukes et al, 2022), the conference was convened under the broad thematic banner of “growing back better” in the service of “regenerating STEM education”.  This growth alludes to the personal flourishing of students but importantly also their teachers. As we collectively but cautiously emerged from lock-downed learning, we sought to include under the conference call a cognisance of the role of emotion and well-being for education. The verb “grow” was deliberately chosen as an alternative to build.  We cannot “build back” brains, bodies or battered spirits - these things must grow. Growth also reminds us that we share this planet with a vast range of other organic beings. As the focus turns towards grave planetary issues, of climate change and ecological collapse, we will need constant reminders as to the ultimate effects of human activities, including those in the domains of education and industry (Facer 2020; MacGilChrist 2021; Selwyn 2021).


Growing back better to regenerate STEM Education_ Proceedings Introduction from the Conference Chair.pdf