Published July 1, 2021 | Version Volume 1, Issue 3
Working paper Restricted

Covid-19 and Innovations

  • 1. Space Research Institute RAS, Moscow, 117997, Russia
  • 2. Federal State Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera , Moscow, Russia; Federal State Gamaleya Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russia


This paper presents a short overview of modern trends in innovation research stimulated by the Covid-19 pandemic, caused by SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus. Having critically reviewed the prospective effects of such innovations, we emphasize the studies of quantum dynamics of long bio- logical macromolecules to be the real subject that can render real-time diagnostic tools, that can hinder the propagation of the occurred viral infections, rather than merely help to improve medical treatment and to observe the hygienic protocols.


Mikhail Altaisky. Felix Filatov, Covid-19 and Innovations, J.Innovation Sciences and Sustainable Technologies, 1(3)(2021), 251-258. DOI:, E-mails:,



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