Published August 13, 2022 | Version V1
Report Open

Promoting Women in Crop Science - launching the Global Women in Crop Science directory and website

  • 1. CIMMYT, Mexico
  • 2. NIAB, Cambridge, UK
  • 3. The University of Leeds, UK


We are launching a new Women in Crop Science website created to host the Women in Crop Science Directory and to provide a central resource for information and future training and networking opportunities. We have also created a resource page supporting upcoming Global Women in Crop Science coffee events. This is the result of many interactions and recommendations from women in the global crop science community who we've been consulting in order to identify tangible opportunities to provide greater support and visibility, and to build a stronger global community. Activities to date have included coffee mornings at conferences, regional meetings, topical book reviews and interviews. An early recommendations was to develop the directory providing a central resource of information about women working across the crop sciences globally. This report summarizes the activities to date and gives background on the website, directory and coffee morning series. We also welcome further inputs, comments and suggestions from the community.


Women in Crop Science_Directory and Website_launch_final.pdf

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