Published August 17, 2022 | Version v1
Software Open

Supporting data for the article "Engineered entropic forces allow ultrastrong dynamical backaction" (2022) doi:10.48550/arXiv.2208.05660.


Supporting data for the article ‘Engineered entropic forces allow ultrastrong dynamical backaction’, Aug. 2022, doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2208.05660, by A. Sawadsky et al.

*This repository contains the Mathematica thermal circuit notebook used to generate Fig2 of the main text, as well as Figures S5, S6 and S7. It can be found under:

\Zenodo repository\Thermal Circuit notebook\ThermalCalculationsMicroSphere_V12_AS.nb

*This repository also contains the thermal, acoustic and optical COMSOL multiphysics simulation files used to generate Fig. 3b of the main text, as well as Figures S1 and S3.
These can be found under:

\Zenodo repository\Comsol simulations



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  • A. Sawadsky et al., 'Engineered entropic forces allow ultrastrong dynamical backaction', Aug. 2022, doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2208.05660.