zooniverse/aggregation-for-caesar: Version 4.0.0
- 1. Tempus Labs
- 2. Adler Planetarium, @zooniverse
Version 4 of the aggregation code brings the ability to extract and reduce data across major workflow versions. Because of this change the command line interface has been updated with a new way to enter workflow versions:
The old wayBefore the minor workflow version was entered as a different flag
panoptes_aggregation config penguin-watch-workflows.csv 6465 -v 52 -m 76
The new way
Now it is entered with the major workflow version under the -v
panoptes_aggregation config penguin-watch-workflows.csv 6465 -v 52.76
Specifying a version range
If you want to aggregate across all minor versions of a major workflow version just included the major version in the -v
panoptes_aggregation config penguin-watch-workflows.csv 6465 -v 52
If you want to go between specific versions (even between major versions) use the new --min_version
and --max_version
flags (both flags are inclusive)
panoptes_aggregation config penguin-watch-workflows.csv 6465 --min_version 51.3 --max_version 53.5
New documentation string for panoptes_aggregation config
usage: panoptes_aggregation config [-h] [-d DIR] [-v VERSION]
[--min_version MIN_VERSION]
[--max_version MAX_VERSION] [-k KEYWORDS]
workflow_csv workflow_id
Make configuration files for panoptes data extraction and reduction based on a
workflow export
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Load Workflow Files:
This file can be exported from a project\'s Data Export tab
workflow_csv The csv file containing the workflow data
Workflow ID and version numbers:
Enter the workflow ID, major version number, and minor version number
workflow_id the workflow ID you would like to extract
-v VERSION, --version VERSION
The workflow version to extract. If only a major
version is given (e.g. -v 3) all minor versions will
be extracted at once. If a minor version is provided
(e.g. -v 3.14) only that specific version will be
--min_version MIN_VERSION
The minimum workflow version to extract (inclusive).
This can be provided as either a major version (e.g.
--min_version 3) or a major version with a minor
version (e.g. --min_version 3.14). If this flag is
provided the --version flag will be ignored.
--max_version MAX_VERSION
The maximum workflow version to extract (inclusive).
This can be provided as either a major version (e.g.
--max_version 3) or a major version with a minor
version (e.g. --max_version 3.14). If this flag is
provided the --version flag will be ignored.
Other keywords:
Additional keywords to be passed into the configuration files
-k KEYWORDS, --keywords KEYWORDS
keywords to be passed into the configuration of a task
in the form of a json string, e.g. '{"T0":
{"dot_freq": "line"} }' (note: double quotes must be
used inside the brackets)
Save Config Files:
The directory to save the configuration files to
-d DIR, --dir DIR The directory to save the configuration files to
Other options:
-vv, --verbose increase output verbosity
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Related works
- Is supplement to
- https://github.com/zooniverse/aggregation-for-caesar/tree/v4.0.0 (URL)