Published August 5, 2022 | Version v1
Report Open

Report of the Workshop Toward Planning an Ocean Sound Decade


Report of a workshop to convene members of the ocean sound and acoustics community around the goals of the The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UN Ocean Decade) endorsed programme on the Maritime Acoustic Environment (UN-MAE). The workshop focused on ways the ocean sound and acoustics community can engage with the opportunity allotted through the UN Ocean Decade and the UN-MAE endorsed programme to advance the field and contribute to understanding and management of the ocean. It was a starting point in building collaboration across the ocean sound community by leveraging activities and contributions across the community that can support common goals of the community and the UN-MAE programme. The workshop focused on identifying outreach and partnership strategies to advance ocean literacy and increasing data and technology capacity.


Report of the Workshop toward Planning an Ocean Sound Decade.pdf

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