Published August 2, 2022 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Historical Mine Register & Place Gazetteer: Schwaz / Rottenburg / Rattenberg, Tyrol; 17th Century

  • 1. University of Innsbruck


The data of the historical registers is based on the historical document “Bergbeschau Schwaz/Rottenburg/Rattenberg” of the 17th century (approx. 1666). The document is currently stored by the Salinenarchiv Bad Ischl) using the Identifier XXD6.The document contains 6 coloured maps of the mining areas in the mining district of Schwaz (Falkenstein, Ringenwechsel, Mehren/Merach, Reichental, Palleiten) as well as the mining district of Rattenberg (Groß-, Kleinkogel, Geyer). Furthermore, it contains detailed mine descriptions and localisations of the mines in the maps.

Historical Mine Register: Sorting is done by mining area, main pit / mine and associated mine sections. The historical writings of the mines and mine sections are summarized in separate columns (alternate writing). Mines written in capital letters symbolize latin characters within the historical document. All mines received an Identifier and URIs which lead to a Knowledge Graph (graph_Link). In a separate column the mines also received a standard spelling (mine_name_standard). The mentioned mines were compared to two geological maps created by Herwig Pirkl (1961). Mines that could be also be georeferenced by comparison also received a geo_link to OpenStreetMap as well as HIK (‘Historische Kartenwerke Tirol’). Finally, the historical mines of the “Bergbeschau” are also linked to the Knowledge Graph TMMMT (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6276586) of the UIBK Project „Text Mining Medieval Mining Texts“, whenever possible.

The historical place gazetteer is in alphabetical order by place_standard. The historical writings of the place names are summarized in a separate column (alternate writing). Places written in capital letters symbolize latin characters within the historical document.  All places received an Identifier and URIs which lead to a Knowledge Graph (graph_Link). In a separate column the places received their current standard spelling (place_standard). Places that could be also be georeferenced also received coordinates as well as a geo_link to OpenStreetMap. Finally, the historical places of the “Bergbeschau” are also linked to the Knowledge Graph TMMMT (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6276586) of the UIBK Project „Text Mining Medieval Mining Texts“, whenever possible.


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