Published July 26, 2022 | Version 1.0
Dataset Restricted

Model America - data for every U.S. building

  • 1. Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • 2. Google





The 5-year goal of the “Model America” concept was to generate a model of every building in the United States. This data repository delivers on that goal with "Model America v1".

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has developed the Automatic Building Energy Modeling (AutoBEM) software suite to process multiple types of data, extract building-specific descriptors, generate building energy models, and simulate them on High Performance Computing (HPC) resources. For more information, see AutoBEM-related publications (

There were 125,715,609 buildings detected in the United States. Of this number, 122,146,671 (97.2%) buildings resulted in a successful generation and simulation of a building energy model. This dataset includes the full 125 million buildings. Future updates may include additional buildings, data improvements, or other algorithmic model enhancements in "Model America v2".

  1. Data, separated by state - minimalist list of each building (rows) for the following fields (columns)
    1. ID - unique building ID
    2. Footprint2D - lat/lon vertices of building footprint
    3. State_Abbrev - Abbreviation for the from which building is located
    4. Area - estimate of total conditioned floor area (ft2)
    5. Area2D - footprint area (ft2
    6. CZ - ASHRAE Climate Zone designation
    7. Height - building height (ft)
    8. NumFloors - number of floors (above-grade) 
    9. WWR_surfaces - percent of each facade (pair of points from Footprint2D) covered by fenestration/windows (average 14.5% for residential, 40% for commercial buildings)
    10. CZ - US climate zone designation
    11. BuildingType - DOE prototype building designation (IECC=residential) as implemented by OpenStudio-standards
    12. Standard - building vintage (determined by building age)

This data is made free and openly available in hopes of stimulating any simulation-informed use case. Data is provided as-is with no warranties, express or implied, regarding fitness for a particular purpose. We wish to thank our sponsors which include Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD), U.S. Dept. of Energy’s (DOE) Building Technologies Office (BTO), Office of Electricity (OE), Biological and Environmental Research (BER), and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). 



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