Published July 19, 2022 | Version v2
Journal article Open

Qualimetric criteria for formation of valeological competence in the adaptive education system

  • 1. UEPA, Kharkiv, Ukraine


In English cite as: [Shevchenko A. Qualimetric criteria for formation of valeological competence in the adaptive education system. Electronic scientific journal "Adaptive management: theory and practice". "Pedagogy" series. 2022;13(25):28p. Archived at:].

Abstract. The article focuses on valeological competence, which is the ability of a higher education student to lead a healthy lifestyle, practice safe behaviors and provide pre-hospital emergency care to people in critical conditions, and the qualimetric model of this competence. Analysis of the legislation of Ukraine, international UN and WHO documents confirmed the relevance of health at the population and personal levels in connection with the its declared value. The proposed qualimetric model takes into account the academic discipline "Health Pedagogy" curriculum content, the fact that the successful formation of valeological competence requires studying the full course of the discipline and equilibrium qualimetric distribution of cognitive, activity, motivational and personal components. The thematic distribution of the valeological competence components "weights", carried out by the method of expert assessments, allowed to determine the most important topics of the discipline "Health Pedagogy", among which were the prevention of chemical dependence, emergency care, rational nutrition. Qualimetric assessment of the success of the formation of valeological competence in students can be conducted both comprehensively and by individual components. In particular, the ability to provide emergency care and lead a healthy lifestyle should be assessed separately. In this case, the ability to practice safe behaviors can be assessed only after studying all topics of the discipline. The formed qualimetric model of competence assessment is subject to adjustment according to the feedback principle, which is indicated as a perspective of further research. Also, the ability to adjust the model is a factor in facilitating the adaptive management of the pedagogical process during the study of valeological disciplines by non-medical students.

Keywords: health care, competence approach, valeological competence, non-medical training profile, reference qualimetric model.


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