Published July 19, 2022 | Version v1
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Subjective perception of anxiety as PSYCHOSOCIAL effect of COVID-19


Robak Magdalena, Jurkiewicz Beata. Subjective perception of anxiety as PSYCHOSOCIAL effect of COVID-19. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2022;12(7):559-567. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI






The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of December 21, 2021. No. The journal has had 40 points in Ministry of Education and Science of Poland parametric evaluation. Annex to the announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of December 21, 2021. No. 32343.

Has a Journal's Unique Identifier: 201159. Scientific disciplines assigned: Physical Culture Sciences (Field of Medical sciences and health sciences); Health Sciences (Field of Medical Sciences and Health Sciences).


Punkty Ministerialne z 2019 - aktualny rok 40 punktów. Załącznik do komunikatu Ministra Edukacji i Nauki z dnia 21 grudnia 2021 r. Lp. 32343. Posiada Unikatowy Identyfikator Czasopisma: 201159.

Przypisane dyscypliny naukowe: Nauki o kulturze fizycznej (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu); Nauki o zdrowiu (Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu).


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Received: 01.07.2022. Revised: 17.07.2022. Accepted: 19.07.2022.







Subjective perception of anxiety as PSYCHOSOCIAL effect of COVID-19


Magdalena Robak, Beata Jurkiewicz


Scientific Association “Medyk”, 2nd year student of Nursing, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow



Magdalena Robak -

Beata Jurkiewicz -

















Introduction: Every day, people are more or less anxious, but during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, this anxiety can be greatly exacerbated.

The aim of this study was to analyze the subjective feelings of anxiety associated with being in quarantine due to infection or suspected infection with SARS-CoV-2.

Material and methods: The study included 138 people from different backgrounds. It was conducted using a survey (Google Form) consisting of fifteen questions. Results were compiled using chi2, Kendall's tau-b, one-way ANOVA analysis of variance with Bonferroni post hoc tests.

Results: The level of experienced anxiety during the quarantine by the subjects was found to be statistically significantly higher compared to its level before and after the quarantine period (p=0.002). An increase in somatic symptoms was also observed during isolation (29.0%). Statistical analysis, however, confirmed the relationship between the sex of the subjects and the level of anxiety during and after quarantine (p<0.05) - women experienced anxiety slightly more strongly. In addition, younger people experienced higher levels of anxiety before quarantine than older people (p=0.001). The study also showed that some subjects felt the need to take sedatives (29.0%) and/or seek psychological/psychotherapeutic help (38.4%) during or after quarantine.

Conclusions: Being in forced isolation has an impact on the severity of anxiety and the maintenance of high anxiety levels even after quarantine is over. These results show the importance of monitoring mental health during (and in relation to) a pandemic.


Keywords: anxiety disorder; quarantine; isolation; SARS-CoV-2; stress



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