Identifying knowledge gaps for successful restorative aquaculture of Ostrea edulis: a bibliometric analysis
- 1. DAIS, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Venice, 30170, Italy
Background: Active restoration is necessary to enhance the recovery of Ostrea edulis reefs, which contribute to many ecosystem services. Restoration can be integrated within aquaculture practices, bringing positive environmental changes while maximising space utilisation. The restoration project MAREA (MAtchmaking Restoration Ecology and Aquaculture) aims to bring back O. edulis in the North-West Adriatic addressing the feasibility of its cultivation. Both successful restoration and sustainable aquaculture require a thorough understanding of the ecological needs, as the requirements of both activities need to be harmonized. Therefore, one of the preliminary activities before embarking on the pilot was the completion of a thorough literature review to identify research directions and gaps required for 'restorative aquaculture', aiming to gather the most up to date O . edulis knowledge on a global and local scale.
Methods: Internet (Web of Science, Scopus, Google scholar) and physical resources (libraries) were searched for all available global and local knowledge on O . edulis. Bibliometrix was used to identify the main research topics using keywords, titles, and abstracts analyses. Studies were then manually screened and summarised to extract knowledge specific to restoration and aquaculture.
Results: While restoration studies are recent, evidence for the loss of this species and potential causes (and solutions) have been discussed since the end of the 19 th century. While diseases were a leading cause for reef loss, substratum limitation appears to be one of the leading limiting factors for both restoration and aquaculture of O . edulis, and was already mentioned in the early texts that were found.
Conclusions: The review highlighted that restoration success and aquaculture feasibility depend upon the crucial stage of settlement. The project 'MAREA' will therefore increase its focus on this stage, both in terms of timing, location, and materials for settlement plates placement.
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