Tetraponera mocquerysi
Tetraponera mocquerysi (André)
(Figs 27, 43)
Sima Mocquerysi André 1890: 319. Syntypes, 12 workers, Sierra Leone (Mocquerys) (MSNG, MHNG, MNHN, NHMB, NHMV) [examined]. 3 syntype workers imaged on AntWeb: CASENT0904032 (MSNG), CASENT0913719 (MNHN), CASENT0915531 (NHMB).
Sima Mocquerysi st. emacerata Santschi 1911a: 352. Holotype (by monotypy), worker, Nakuro, Rift Valley, Kenya (C. Alluaud) (MNHN) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb: CASENT0913720. Syn. nov.
Sima Oberbecki Forel 1911b: 275. Holotype (by monotypy), worker, Congo da Lemba, Democratic Republic of Congo (Mayné) (MRAC) [examined]. Syn. nov.
Sima mocquerysi v. elongata Stitz 1911: 378. Syntype, 1 worker, Budduwald, Tanzania (A. Friedrichs) (ZHMB) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb: FOCOL1161. Syn. nov.
Sima triangularis st. illota Santschi 1914c: 334. Syntypes, 1 dealate queen, 1 worker, Olokemej, Nigeria (MHNG, NHMB) [examined]. 1 syntype worker from NHMB imaged on AntWeb: CASENT0915541. Syn. nov.
Sima Prelli var. odiosa Forel 1916: 403. Syntype, 1 worker, “ Congo ” (Kohl) (MHNG) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb: CASENT0907475. Syn. nov.
Sima Le Moulti Santschi 1920b: 375. Holotype (by monotypy), dealate queen, Fort-Crampel, Central African Republic (LeMoult) (NHMB) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb: CASENT0915530. Syn. nov.
Tetraponera mocquerysi var. lepida Wheeler 1922a: 106. Syntype, 1 worker, Faradje, Democratic Republic of Congo (Lang & Chapin) (MCZC) [examined]. Syn. nov.
Sima (Sima) mocquerysi var. biozellata Karavaiev 1931: 42. Syntypes, 1 worker, Naivasha, Kenya (Dogiel), 1 worker, 1 alate queen, Mabira, Kenya (Dogiel & Sokolow) (UASK) [examined]. Imaged on AntWeb: CASENT0916865, Syn. nov.
Sima monardi Santschi 1937b: 218. Holotype (by monotypy), worker, Tyihumbwe, Angola (D. Monard) (MHNC) [examined]. Syn. nov.
Tetraponera ledouxi Terron 1969: 629. Syntypes, workers, queens, males, “région de Yaoundé”, Cameroun [no explicitly labeled types found, but material collected by Terron in Cameroon (ANIC) examined]. Syn. nov.
Tetraponera mocquerysi (André); Wheeler 1922a: 106. Combination in Tetraponera.
Tetraponera mocquerysi (André); Chomicki et al. 2015: figure S1. Placement in molecular phylogeny.
Sima Mocquerysi st. emacerata Santschi; Santschi 1914a: 70. Description of queen.
Sima emacerata Santschi; Santschi 1920a: 9. Raised to species.
Tetraponera mocquerysi subsp. emacerata (Santschi); Wheeler 1922a: 107. Combination in Tetraponera; subspecies of T. mocquerysi.
Sima emacerata Santschi; Santschi 1928: 57. Raised to species.
Sima mocquerysi st. emacerata Santschi; Santschi 1933: 100. Subspecies of S. mocquerysi.
Sima emacerata Santschi; Bernard 1953: 221. Raised to species.
Tetraponera emacerata (Santschi); Ward 1990: 488. Combination in Tetraponera.
Sima Oberbecki Forel; Forel 1916: 403. Description of queen.
Sima (Tetraponera) oberbecki Forel; Emery 1921: 28. Combination in Sima (Tetraponera).
Tetraponera oberbecki (Forel); Wheeler 1922b: 800. Combination in Tetraponera.
Sima emacerata v. oberbecki Forel; Santschi 1928: 58. Variety of S. emacerata.
Tetraponera emacerata oberbecki (Forel); Ward 1990: 489. Combination in Tetraponera; subspecies of T. emacerata.
Tetraponera mocquerysi var. elongata (Stitz); Wheeler 1922b: 798. Combination in Tetraponera.
Tetraponera mocquerysi elongata (Stitz); Ward 1990: 488. Subspecies of T. mocquerysi.
Tetraponera triangularis subsp. illota (Santschi); Wheeler 1922b: 801. Combination in Tetraponera.
Sima (Tetraponera) prelli var. odiosa Forel; Emery 1921: 28. Combination in Sima (Tetraponera).
Tetraponera prelli var. odiosa (Forel); Wheeler 1922b: 800. Combination in Tetraponera.
Sima emacerata v. odiosa Forel; Santschi 1928: 57. Variety of S. emacerata.
Tetraponera emacerata odiosa (Forel); Ward 1990: 489. Combination in Tetraponera; subspecies of T. emacerata.
Tetraponera le moulti [sic] (Santschi); Wheeler 1922b: 798. Combination in Tetraponera.
Tetraponera lemoulti (Santschi); Ward 1990: 488.
Tetraponera mocquerysi lepida Wheeler; Ward 1990: 488. Subspecies of T. mocquerysi.
Tetraponera mocquerysi biozellata (Karavaiev); Ward 1990: 488. Combination in Tetraponera; subspecies of T. mocquerysi.
Tetraponera monardi (Santschi); Ward 1990: 488. Combination in Tetraponera.
Tetraponera ledouxi Terron; Terron 1970: 113. Evidence of temporary social parasitism.
Worker measurements (n = 12). HW 1.04–1.58, HL 1.21–1.77, LHT 0.85–1.34, CI 0.80–0.90, FCI 0.09–0.14, REL 0.41–0.52, REL2 0.48–0.6, SI 0.53–0.57, SI3 0.90–1.14, FI 0.39–0.47, PLI 0.67–0.78, PWI 0.61–0.78, LHT/ HW 0.79–0.86, CSC 8–34, MSC 21–100.
Worker diagnosis. Medium to large species, with somewhat elongate head (CI 0.80–0.90) and moderately large eyes (REL 0.41–0.52); posterior margin of eye not attaining the level of the lateral ocelli; frontal carinae moderately separated, the minimum distance between them less than 0.15× head width (FCI 0.09–0.14) and usually less than one-quarter of scape length (MFC/SL 0.16–0.26); scapes of moderate length (SI 0.53–0.57, SI2 0.44–0.48), subequal to eye length (SI3 0.90–1.14); anterior clypeal margin broadly and weakly convex, with a short median denticle, usually flanked by 2–3 smaller denticles on each side, sometimes ill-defined (Fig. 27a); profemur slender to moderately robust (FI 0.39–0.47); mesonotum bounded posteriorly by a well marked but simple impression, lacking longitudinal rugulae; distinct metanotal plate not present, although anterior extremity of propodeum with a weakly differentiated arched-transverse area in some individuals; dorsal face of propodeum flattened, laterally submarginate, longer than declivitous face and rounding insensibly into the latter; petiole of moderate length and height (PL/HW 0.62–0.77; see also PLI and PWI values), with rather weak dorsolaterally margination, and with an anteroventral tooth; in profile, petiolar node with similar anterodorsal and posterodorsal faces, rounding insensibly into one another, or with less less strongly inclined anterodorsal face; in dorsal view petiole obovate, with rounded sides (Fig. 27b); postpetiole longer than broad. Head and mesosoma densely punctulate-coriarious, matte. Standing pilosity common to abundant (CSC 8–34, MSC 21–100, HTC+MTC 0–50), conspicuous on dorsum of head, mesosoma, petiole, postpetiole and gaster, and tending to grade into short, suberect pubescence, especially on mesosoma and petiole. Dark brownish-black, the mandibles, clypeus, antennae, tibiae and tarsi variably lighter (brown to luteous).
Comments. Four other species in the Tetraponera natalensis group have predominantly dark (brownish-black) coloration. Workers of Tetraponera mocquerysi can be distinguished from those of T. andrei, T. anthracina, and T. insularis by their soft-margined and longer petiole (PL/HW 0.62–0.77), more closely adjacent frontal carinae (FCI 0.09–0.14), and more abundant standing pilosity. T. mocquerysi differs from the fourth species, T. setosa, by its more elongate head (CI 0.80–0.90), denticulate clypeal margin, matte integument, and less abundant standing pilosity than T. setosa. In a few populations of T. natalensis the workers assume a medium to dark brown color, making them superficially similar to those of T. mocquerysi, but workers of the latter can be disinguished by having (1) a petiole that is obovate in dorsal view, with weak lateral margination, (2) a petiolar profile in which the posterodorsal face is as steep or steeper than the anterodorsal face (usually the opposite in T. natalensis), and (3) greater amouts of standing pilosity, on average (CSC 8–34 and MSC 21–100, versus CSC 4–18 and MSC 3–25 in T. natalensis).
T. mocquerysi is here interpreted as a widespread and rather variable species. As shown by the measurements and diagnostic features cited above, this includes variation in head shape, eye size, scape length, anterior propodeal configuration, and petiole shape. When large enough samples are examined, however, the variation appears to be continuous—there is no evidence of phenotypic gaps. T. mocquerysi does show notable among-colony variation in worker body size (and that of cohabiting queens and males), even within single localities. It is possible that there is some size-assortative mating in this species—or that the size differences reflect cryptic species—but this remains to be investigated. The size variation of this species is reminiscent of a similar situation in Australian populations of Tetraponera punctulata (Ward, 2001).
Distribution and biology. T. mocquerysi is found in rainforest and similar mesic habitats, from The Gambia in west Africa, east to Ethiopia, and south to Angola and western Tanzania. It is a generalist inhabitant of dead twigs or branches, with specific nest site records from Erigeron bonariensis, Erythrina, Ficus, Maesa lanceolata, Manihot esculenta, Senna, Triumfetta cordifolia, and various unidentified woody plants. Under the name Tetraponera ledouxi, Terron (1969, 1970) reported T. mocquerysi to be a temporary social parasite of T. anthracina, but this behavior must be facultative because T. mocquerysi has a much wider distribution than T. anthracina (Figs 41, 43).
Material examined (AMNH, ANIC, ASIC, BMNH, CASC, CPDC, CUIC, FHGC, KUES, LACM, MCZC, MHNC, MHNG, MNHN, MRAC, MSNG, MZLU, NHMB, NHMB, NHMW, NMKE, PSWC, SAMC, UASK, UCDC, USNM, ZMHB). Angola: Cuanza Norte: Vila Salazar (Malkin, B.); Cuanza Sul: 4 mi SW Quilenda, 900 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Huambo: Mont. Moko, 1890 m (Fisher, B. L.); Lunda Sul: Tyihumbwe (Monard, D.); Malanje: Malanje [as “Melange”] (Malkin, B.); Benin: Ouémé: Pobé, 57 km NNE Pto. Novo, 150 m (Lattke, J.); Cameroon: Centre: Makak, 90 km SW Yaoundé, 650 m (Ross, E. S.; Lorenzen, K.); Mt. Fébé, Yaoundé, 1050 m (Ross, E. S.; Lorenzen, K.); region unknown: “Cameroon” (Terron, G.); “Kamerun” (Conradt, L.); Sud: Ebodjé (Blatrix, R.); Ebolowa, Nkoemvon (Jackson, D.); Nkoemvon (Jackson, D.); Réserve de Campo, 40 m (Olson, D. M.); Sud-Ouest: Matute, Tiko Plantation (Malkin, B.); Rengo Camp, Korup National Park (Blatrix, R.); Victoria (Malkin, B.); Central African Republic: Nana-Grébizi: Fort Crampel (Le Moult); Sangha-Mbaéré: P.N. Dzanga-Ndoki, 21.4 km 53° NE Bayanga, 510 m (van Noort, S.); P.N. Dzanga-Ndoki, Mabéa Bai, 21.4 km 53° NE Bayanga, 510 m (Fisher, B. L.); Res. Dzanga-Sangha, 12.7 km 326° NW Bayanga, 420 m (Fisher, B. L.); Res. Dzanga-Sangha, 12.7 km 326° NW Bayanga, 420 m (van Noort, S.); Res. Dzanga-Sangha, 12.7 km 326° NW Bayanga, 470 m (Fisher, B. L.); Côte d’Ivoire: Bas-Sassandra: 35 km N San Pedro (Pulawski, W. J.); Lagunes: 3.5 km S Sangrobo, S-P de Tiassale (Brown, W. L.; Brown, D. E.); DR Congo: Haut-Katanga: Biano (Ogilvie, J.); Dilolo (Ogilvie, J.); Kalemie [as “Albertville”] (Augustine); Kalemie [as “Albertville”] (Cockerell,, J. D. A.); Kongolo (Whitcomb, W. H.); Lubumbashi (Bequaert, M.); Lubumbashi [as “Elisabethville”] (“Miss. Agric.”); Lusinga, Park Upemba, 1800 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Mbulula [as “Mbalula”] (Whitcomb, W. H.); Munowe, Park Upemba, 1450 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Haut-Uélé: Faradje (c.u.); Garamba (Lang; Chapin); Moto (Burgeon, L.); Yakuluku (Lang; Chapin); Ituri: 24 mi S Mambasa, 950 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Ituri F., Beni-Irumu (Weber, N. A.); Ituri Forest, vic. Epulu (Gregg, T.); Ituri, Congo-Belge (c.u.); Kasonsero, Semliki (Bequaert, J.); Kasaï Oriental: Kasende (Bequaert, J.); Kongo Central: Congo da Lemba (Mayné, R.); Kidada (Kitobola) (Schouteden, H.); Lukula (Daniel); Lukula [as “Lukulu”] (Bequaert, J.); Mai-Ndombe: Mongende (Schouteden, H.); Maniema: Lubutu (c.u.); Nord-Kivu: 39 km S Walikale, 700 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Mwenda, Mt. Ruwenzori, 1455 m (Bradley, J. C.); province unknown: “Congo” (Kohl); Sud-Kivu: Fizi (c.u.); Irangi, Luhoho R., 900 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Luhoho Riv., Bunyakiri, 1100 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Lwiro R., 47 km N Bukavu, 1650 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); S. slope Mt. Kahuzi, 1900 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Tshopo: Kisangani [as “Stanleyville”] (c.u.); Kisangani [as “Stanleyville”] (Kohl, H.); Kisangani [as “Stanleyville”] (Lang, H. O.); Yangambi Reserve (Raignier, A.; van Boven, J.); Ethiopia: Oromia: Arussi Galla, Ganale Gudda (Bottego, V.); Gabon: Ogooué-Maritime: Gamba, 50 m (Yanoviak, S. P.); Port Gentil (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Res. Moukalaba, 12.2 km 305° NW Doussala, 110 m (Fisher, B. L.); Réserve de la Moukalaba-Dougoua, 12.2 km 305° NW Doussala, 110 m (van Noort, S.); Réserve de la Moukalaba-Dougoua, 7 km NW Doussala, 110 m (van Noort, S.); Ghana: Brong-Ahafo: Baudua (Leston, D.); Goaso (Leston, D.); Central: 30 mi E Tahoradi (Richards, O. W.); Eastern: Aburi (Room, P.); Adeigo (Leston, D.); Adeigo (Room, P.); Bunso (Leston, D.); Kakurantumi (Leston, D.); Mpraeso, 500 m (Ross, E. S.; Lorenzen, K.); Nkawkaw, 80 km NW Koforidua (Pulawski, W. J.); Osiam (Leston, D.); Sajumasi (Leston, D.); Tafo (Gibbs, D. G.); Tafo (Bolton, B.); Tafo (Leston, D.); Tafo Cocoa Plantn. (Leston, D.); Greater Accra: Legon (Leston, D.); Pokoase (Krauss, N. L. H.); Western: Chama (Brauns); Guinea: N’Zérékoré: Camp 1, Mt. To (Lamotte); Nimba, Camp 4, 1000 m (Lamotte, M.); Kenya: Kakamega: Kakamega Forest, 1500 m (Olson, D. M.; Farley, L.); Kakamega Forest, 1600 m (Wagner, T.); Kakamega Forest, 1650 m (Fischer, G.); Kakamega Forest (Stubbs, A. E.); Kakamega Forest, Colobus road, 1650 m (Fischer, G.); Kakamega Forest, Isiuku Falls, 1650 m (Fischer, G.); Kakamega Forest, Udo’s camp, 1650 m (Hita Garcia, F.); Kakamega Forest, Isecheno, 1800 m (Snelling, R. R.); Kisumu: Kisumu, Kyanza [sic] (Bohart, R. M.); Nakuru: Naivasha (Dogiel); Nakuro (Rift-Valley) (Alluaud, C.); Trans Nzoia: Kitale, Uasin Gishu, 2100 m (Arambourg, C.; Chappuis, P. A.; Jeannel, R.); Vihiga: Kaimosi Mission, 27 mi NE Kisumu, 1650 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Liberia: Bong: Cuttington Col., Up. Bong Co. (Carroll, R.); Gibi (Mann, W. M.); Lofa: Belleyella (Mann, W. M.); Margibi: Du River, Camp No. 3 (c.u.); Harbel, Firestone Plantation (Ross, E. S.; Lorenzen, K.); Robts Fld (Krauss, N. L. H.); Montserrado: Monrovia (Cook, O. F.); Nimba: Mt. Nimba airstrip, Nimba Co. (Carroll, R.); Nigeria: Cross River: Obudu CR, SE State (Medler, J. T.); Edo: Sapoba Forest Reserve, 20 km S Benin City (Janzen, D. H.); Ogun: Lagos Colony, Isheri (Malkin, B.); Olokemej (c.u.); Olokemeji, Ibadan (Bridwell); Olokemenji (c.u.); Oyo: CRIN (Taylor, B.); Gambari (Bolton, B.); Ibadan (Noyes, J.); Plateau: Jos (Meyer, R. W.); state unknown: Araromi (c.u.); Republic of Congo: Pool: Lesio-Loun Park, 330 m (Braet; Sharkey); Lesio-Loun Park, 330 m (Sharkey; Braet); Kindamba, Meya, Bangu-Forst (Balogh & Zicsi); Sierra Leone: province unknown: “Sierra Leone” (Brauns); “Sierra Leone” (Mocquerys); Southern: Njala (Hargreaves, E.); Periwahun [as “Parmbog”] (Hargreaves, E.); South Sudan: Central Equatoria: Kagelu (Myers); Jonglei: S of Nelichu, Boma Plateau (Myers, J. G.); Tanzania: Kagera: Budduwald (Friedrichs, A.); Kigoma: Mahale Mountains N.P., 950 m (Kiyono, M.); Mahale Mts., 780 m (Uehara, S.); Mwamgongo (Meneghetti); Mara: Ukerewe I. (Conrads); Njombe: Tandala (c.u.); The Gambia: Western: Kombo St. Mary, Abuko (Söderlund, M.); Uganda: Buikwe: 10 mi W Jinja, 1200 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Mabira (Dogiel); Bundibugyo: 1 km ENE Sempaya, 870 m (Ward, P. S.); Kirumia River Trail, Semliki Natl. Park, 720 m (Ward, P. S.); Ruwenzori Range, Bundibugyo, 1050 m (Fletcher, D. S.); Ruwenzori Range, Semliki Forest, 870 m (Fletcher, D. S.); Rwakasenyi, Semliki Natl. Park, 685 m (Blaimer, B. B.); Semliki River, Semliki Natl. Park, 660 m (Ward, P. S.); Sempaya, Semliki Natl. Park, 680 m (Ward, P. S.); Semuliki National Park, 676 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Semuliki National Park, 680 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Semuliki National Park, 685 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Semuliki National Park, 690 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Semuliki National Park, 701 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Semuliki National Park, Kirumia River, 710 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Bushenyi: Kalinzu Forest, 1450 m (Yamane, S.); district unknown: “Ouganda Central” (Alluaud, C.); Kibale Forest, 0°31’– 0°41’N, 30°19’– 30°32’E (Chapman, L.); Lake Edward [as “Eduard See”] (Hamann); Lake George [as “Georg See”] (Hamann); Lake Victoria [as “Viktoria See”] (Hamann); Jinja: Jinja (c.u.); Kabarole: Fort Portal (Daly, H. V.); Kanyawara (Roth, V.); Kanyawara, Kibale Natl. Park, 1490 m (Ward, P. S.); Kanyawara, Kibale Natl. Park, 1500 m (Ward, P. S.); Kanyawara, Kibale Natl. Park, 1510 m (Suarez, A. V.); Kanyawara, Kibale Natl. Park, 1510 m (Ward, P. S.); Kanyawara, Kibale Natl. Park, 1520 m (Ward, P. S.); Kanyawara, Kibale Natl. Park, 1600 m (Ward, P. S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1465 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1484 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1491 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1494 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1495 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1498 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1505 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1506 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1587 m (van Noort, S.); Kanyawara, Kibale NP, 1510 m (Hawkes, P. G.); Kibale Forest (Chapman, L.); Kibale Forest Res. (Orr, M. R.); Kibale National Park, Kanyawara Biological Station, 1504 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Kibale National Park, Kanyawara Biological Station, 1510 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Kibale National Park, Kanyawara Biological Station, 1520 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Kibale National Park, Kanyawara Biological Station, 1540 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Kibale National Park, Kanyawara Biological Station, 1552 m (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Kibale NP, Kanyawara Biol. Stn., 1500 m (Fischer, G.); Kampala: Kampala (Gedye, A. F. J.); Makerere (Nyerere); Kasese: Ruwenzori Range, Bugoye, 1370 m (Fletcher, D. S.); Masindi: Budongo Forest, vic. Sonso, 1050 m (Wagner, T.); Rakai: W. shores of Vic. Nyanza, Buddu, 1130 m (Neave, S. A.); Sironko: 13 mi NE Mbale, 1300 m (Ross, E. S.; Leech, R. E.); Buwalasi, Mt. Elgon, 1525 m (Bradley, J. C.); Wakiso: Entebbe (c.u.); Entebbe (Fisher, B. L.; et al.); Entebbe (Hamann); Entebbe (Messersmith, D. H.); Entebbe Botanical Gardens, 1160 m (Ward, P. S.); Kawanda Res. Station, N. Kampala (Daly, H. V.).
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Family
- Formicidae
- Genus
- Tetraponera
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- CASENT0913719
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Andre
- Species
- mocquerysi
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- syntype
- Taxonomic concept label
- Tetraponera mocquerysi (Andre, 1890) sec. Ward, 2022
- Andre, E. (1890) Materiaux pour servir a la faune myrmecologique de Sierra-Leone (Afrique occidentale). Revue d'Entomologie, Caen, 9, 311 - 327.
- Santschi, F. (1911 a) Nouvelle fourmis d'Afrique. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 79, 351 - 369.
- Forel, A. (1911 b) Fourmis d'Afrique et d'Asie. I. Fourmis d'Afrique surtout du Musee du Congo Belge. Revue Zoologique Africaine, Brussels, 1, 274 - 283.
- Stitz, H. (1911) Formicidae. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Zentral-Afrika-Expedition, 3, 375 - 392.
- Santschi, F. (1914 c) Formicides de l'Afrique occidentale et australe du voyage de Mr. le Professeur F. Silvestri. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della Reale Scuola Superiore d'Agricoltura. Portici, 8, 309 - 385.
- Forel, A. (1916) Fourmis du Congo et d'autres provenances recoltees par MM. Hermann Kohl, Luja, Mayne, etc. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 24, 397 - 460. https: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. part. 4645
- Santschi, F. (1920 b) Formicides africains et americains nouveaux. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 88, 361 - 390.
- Wheeler, W. M. (1922 a) Ants of the American Museum Congo expedition. A contribution to the myrmecology of Africa. II. The ants collected by the American Museum Congo Expedition. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 45, 39 - 269.
- Karavaiev, V. (1931) Ameisen aus Englisch-Ostafrika. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 95, 42 - 51.
- Santschi, F. (1937 b) Resultats de la Mission scientifique suisse en Angola (2 me voyage) 1932 - 1933. Fourmis angolaises. Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 44, 211 - 250.
- Terron, G. (1969) Description de Tetraponera ledouxi espece nouvelle du Cameroun, parasite temporaire de Tetraponera anthracina Santschi (Hym. Formicidae, Promyrmicinae). Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental d'Afrique Noire, Serie A, Sciences Naturelles, 31, 629 - 642.
- Chomicki, G., Ward, P. S. & Renner, S. (2015) Macroevolutionary assembly of ant / plant symbioses: Pseudomyrmex ants and their ant-housing plants in the Neotropics. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282, 20152200. https: // doi. org / 10.1098 / rspb. 2015.2200
- Santschi, F. (1914 a) II. Formicidae. In: Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale, 1911 - 1912. Resultats scientifiques. Insectes Hymenopteres. Librairie A. Schulz, Paris, pp. 41 - 148.
- Santschi, F. (1920 a) Formicides nouveaux du Gabon, du Congo, de la Rhodesia et du Natal. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 60, 6 - 17.
- Santschi, F. (1928) Descriptions de nouvelles fourmis ethiopiennes (quatrieme note). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines, 16, 54 - 69.
- Santschi, F. (1933) Contribution a l'etude des fourmis de l'Afrique tropicale. Bulletin et Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 73, 95 - 108.
- Bernard, F. (1953) La reserve naturelle integrale du Mt Nimba. XI. Hymenopteres Formicidae. Memoires de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique Noire, 19, 165 - 270.
- Ward, P. S. (1990) The ant subfamily Pseudomyrmecinae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): generic revision and relationship to other formicids. Systematic Entomology, 15, 449 - 489. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1365 - 3113.1990. tb 00077. x
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