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Published July 12, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

GOhydro D4.1 - Trial protocols for microgreens production in hydroponic units

  • 1. USAMV
  • 2. UCPH
  • 3. SCiO


The activity T4.1 Experimentation methodology for high-value nutrient design had as objective the elaboration of the deliverable D4.1 Trial protocols for microgreens production in hydroponic units (R, PU) [M15]. This is a report detailing the methods, materials and hydroponic units to be used for the GoHydro trials both in controlled and operational settings.

In order to meet the requirements of the project so that the datasets generated in each trial site are comparable and combinable into a single, common dataset, the following principles for the elaboration of the hydroponic microgreen production protocol are suggested:

•     IN CONTROLLED SETTINGS – setting the optimal ranges of environmental parameters between the limits of favorability for each species, as seen in the literature review in D1.1, and validated in D1.2 experiments, for microgreens to highlight the effects of the GoHydro platform (Greece and Romania).

•     IN OPERATIONAL ENVIRONMENTS SETTINGS – monitoring, but not controlling, environmental conditions (which will be different in the three centers: Greece, Denmark and Romania).


Except for the two differences above, the determination plan is still the same (in controlled settings an in operational environments settings):

Collecting data using the GoHydro platform and the sensor kit: Crop Heath Sensor Kit (CHSK) and the  Nutrient Content Kit (NCK) are:

1. Air temperature

2. Water temperature

3. pH

4. Electrical Conductivity

5. Relative Humidity

6. Light

7. Nutrient content


Activities (procedures, parameters) related to microgreen growth, production and quality:

1.     Obtaining the microgreens seedling

2.    Measuring the morphology of plants (LAI or height)

3.    Determining the health state of plants

4.    Harvesting microgreens

5.    Measuring Fresh Biomass Yield – Fresh Weight (FW, kg m-2)

6.    Measuring Dry Matter Content - Dry Weight (DW, g m-2)

7.    Secondary metabolite collection and analysis

8.    Statistical analysis

Feedback from these trials will be used for the final validation of the analytics components of the GoHydro platform.

Link for collecting data in controlled settings:

Link for collecting data in operational environments settings:

Additional information can be found in the published paper:

Moraru, P.I.; Rusu, T.; Mintas, O.S. Trial Protocol for Evaluating Platforms for Growing Microgreens in Hydroponic Conditions. Foods 2022, 11, 1327.



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ICT-AGRI-FOOD – ERA-NET Cofund on ICT-enabled agri-food systems 862665
European Commission