INISS-Nano: revised concept and action plan (International Network Initiative on Safe and Sustainable Nanotechnologies)
Andreas Falk1
- Pogany, Alexander2
Aungkavattana, Pavadee3
Bañares, Miguel A.4
- Beitollahi, Ali5
- Bim, Vinicius6
Briffa, Sophie7
- Bochon, Anthony8
Cassee, Flemming9
- Doridot, Fernand10
Exner, Thomas11
Farias, Patricia M.A.12
Favre, Georges13
Franzese, Giancarlo14
Friedrichs, Steffi15
Hristozov, Danail16
Hunt, Neil17
- Indaraprasirt, Ramjitti18
Karim, Md. E.19
- Khandelwal, Neha20
Malsch, Ineke21
Marcoulaki, Effie22
- Marjovi, Ali5
Rasmussen, Kirsten23
- Rocca, Cris24
Singh, Pushplata Prasad25
Thongkam, Waluree26
- Tsuruoka, Shuji27
Wilkens, Terence A.28
- 1. BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
- 2. Federal Ministry for climate action environment energy mobility innovation and technology
- 3. National Metal and Materials Technology Center, Pennsylvania State University University Park
- 4. , CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Lehigh University, Universidad de Salamanca, University of Notre Dame
- 5. Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council
- 6. BASF S.A., Brazil
- 7. L-Università ta' Malta, Malta
- 8. Gil Robles-San Bartolome & Partners, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- 9. RIVM, The Netherlands
- 10. ICAM
- 11. SevenPastNine d.o.o., Slovenia
- 12. Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
- 13. LNE
- 14. nstitute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN2UB), Universitat de Barcelona
- 15. ACumenIST
- 16. Università Ca' Foscari, Veneto Nanotech SCpA
- 17. Yordas Group
- 18. private
- 19. University of Malaya
- 20. TERI Deakin Nanobiotechnology Centre
- 21. Malsch TechnoValuation/EthicSchool
- 22. National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos", Greece
- 23. European Commission Joint Research Centre, Italy
- 24. University of Birmingham, UK
- 25. TERI, India
- 26. NANOTEC, Thailand
- 27. Shinshu University, Nagano
- 28. GE Healthcare Medical Diagnostics Amersham, ICI PLC, University of Leeds, Université Catholique de Louvain
The “international network initiative on safe and sustainable nanotechnology” (INISS-nano) is focussing on the collaboration in different fields pertaining to nanotechnology research in general and nano-safety research in particular. This shall include collaboration in terms of e.g., training, standardisation efforts, test-guidelines development, metrology, commercialisation, ethical aspects, respsonible science and research, sustainability, and joint research, supporting governance, regulatory guidance, and of course being open for further joint working items.
This document is a revision of the first version (which has been published in June 2021) and shows descriptions and an action plan for each of the pillars:
- Harmonization
- Support industrial understanding
- Sharing / facilitate sharing of resources / infrastructures
- International collaboration on ethical and societal aspects of nanotechnology
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Additional details
- European Commission
- NanoSolveIT – Innovative Nanoinformatics models and tools: towards a Solid, verified and Integrated Approach to Predictive (eco)Toxicology (NanoSolveIT) 814572
- European Commission
- NanoHarmony – Towards harmonised test methods for nanomaterials 885931
- European Commission
- BIORIMA – BIOmaterial RIsk MAnagement 760928
- European Commission
- SABYDOMA – Safety BY Design Of nanoMaterials - From Lab Manufacture to Governance and Communication: Progressing Up the TRL Ladder 862296
- European Commission
- EASI-STRESS – European Activity for Standardization of Industrial residual STRESS characterization 953219
- European Commission
- caLIBRAte – Performance testing, calibration and implementation of a next generation system-of-systems Risk Governance Framework for nanomaterials 686239
- European Commission
- NanoCommons – The European Nanotechnology Community Informatics Platform: Bridging data and disciplinary gaps for industry and regulators (NanoCommons) 731032
- European Commission
- NANORIGO – Establishing a Nanotechnology Risk Governance Framework 814530
- European Commission
- LIFELONGJOINTS – Silicon Nitride Coatings for Improved Implant Function 310477
- European Commission
- SUNSHINE – Safe and sUstainable by desigN Strategies for HIgh performance multi-component NanomatErials 952924
- European Commission
- HARMLESS – Advanced High Aspect Ratio and Multicomponent materials: towards comprehensive intelLigent tEsting and Safe by design Strategies 953183
- European Commission
- Gov4Nano – Implementation of Risk Governance: meeting the needs of nanotechnology 814401
- European Commission
- NanoFabNet – NanoFabNet - International Hub for sustainable industrial-scale Nanofabrication 886171
- European Commission
- CHARISMA – Characterization and HARmonization for Industrial Standardisation of advanced MAterials 952921
- European Commission
- NANOMET – Development and standardisation of methods for the safety testing of manufactured nanomaterials at OECD. 887268
- European Commission
- SiNfONiA – Safety in NanOmaterials & NAnotechnology 857253
- European Commission
- DIAGONAL – Development and scaled Implementation of sAfe by design tools and Guidelines for multicOmponent aNd hArn nanomateriaLs 953152
- European Commission
- SbD4Nano – Computing infrastructure for the definition, performance testing and implementation of safe-by-design approaches in nanotechnology supply chains 862195
- European Commission
- RiskGONE – Risk Governance of Nanotechnology 814425
- European Commission
- NanoInformaTIX – Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Modelling Platform for NanoInformatics. 814426
- European Commission
- nanoMECommons – Harmonisation of EU-wide nanomechanics protocols and relevant data exchange procedures, across representative cases; standardisation, interoperability, data workflow 952869