A review on therapeutic indications of Jaloukavacharan (medicinal leech therapy)
- 1. PMT Ayurved College, Shevgaon, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.
Since ancient times, Raktmokshana has been one of the best parasurgical therapies indicated in various medico-surgical conditions. It is the course of disposal of vitiated Dosha that collect in the body thus one of the methods of shodhan chikitsa. Among various types of Raktmokshana, jaloukavacharan i.e., leech therapy is more popular now days worldwide. The father of surgery, Acharya Sushruta has described the therapeutic use of leeches. The therapy has been proved absolute safe with obvious advantages which does not cause any unwanted effect. Except hirudin inhibitor of ferment thrombin, there is a whole range of biological active alkaloids combinations. Leech therapy is a good blood purification treatment which has property to die down the aggravation, enlarging, redness and consuming sensation promptly and in which little amount of blood eliminated to vitiated Pitta, Kapha and Rakta dosha of many bloodborne diseases.
Earlier the benefits of leech therapy thought to be derived from the amount of blood lost, hence relieving congestion and removing the noxious humors. But subsequent studies have demonstrated that more than the blood loss, it is the salivary secretions of the leech which contain an amazing cocktail of medicinal substances having therapeutic use in many medical & surgical conditions, to reduce post - operative swelling reconstructive surgery and pain relief in various arthritic diseases.
Leech therapy is exceptionally beneficial therapeutic strategy which gives desired results. So, it is the need of time to spread awerness about leech therapy and its adequacy. It is the elective treatment promising more powerful and secure results for the society.
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