Published July 8, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Eulagius acernus Motschulsky 1845

  • 1. Laboratorio di Entomologia ed Ecologia Applicata (LEEA), Department PAU, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Salita Melissari, Reggio Calabria, I- 89124, Italy.
  • 2. Fagottstrasse 6, Berlin, D- 13127, Germany.
  • 3. Gruppo Entomologico Toscano, c / o Natural History Museum, La Specola University of Florence, Via Romana 17, Florence, I- 50125, Italy.
  • 4. Via Lido Sacramento 39 / 3, Siracusa, I- 96100, Italy.
  • 5. Department of Biology and Biotechnology " C. Darwin ", Sapienza University of Rome, Viale dell'Università 32, Rome, I- 00185, Italy.


Eulagius acernus Motschulsky, 1845

Eulagius acernus Motschulsky, 1845: 92.

Tritoma univestris Reitter, 1878: 166.

Atritomus univestis (Reitter, 1878) – auctorum (incorrect subsequent spelling and then unavailable name).


Among the species formerly ascribed to Atritomus Reitter, 1877, ‘ univestris ’ has been spelled as ‘ univestis ’by several authors (see Jakobson 1915; Hetschko 1930; Iablokoff-Khnzorian 1976). Although the original specific epithet ‘ univestris ’ is incorrect in the Latin language [the linguistically correct term ‘ univestis ’ means ‘uniformly dressed’], it must be preserved unaltered in accordance with Art. 32.3 of the ICZN (1999), as the provisions of Art. 32.5 are not met. Therefore, the name ‘ univestis ’ is to be considered an incorrect subsequent spelling (ICZN 1999: art. 33.3) and thus unavailable. Tritoma univestris is currently accepted as a synonym of Eulagius acernus (Iablokoff-Khnzorian 1976; Nikitsky 2008, 2020).

According to Nikitsky (2020), Eulagius acernus is distributed in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and in the southern part of European Russia.


Published as part of Biscaccianti, Alessandro B., Esser, Jens, Cuoco, Silvio, Grimaldi, Enrica Giuliano & Audisio, Paolo A., 2022, West Palaearctic taxa formerly connected to the ' old' genus Atritomus Reitter, 1877 (Coleoptera, Mycetophagidae): taxonomy, distribution, and description of a new genus, pp. 61-74 in European Journal of Taxonomy 828 on page 64, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2022.828.1853,


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  • Motschulsky V. 1845. Remarques sur la collection de Coleopteres russes de Victor de Motchoulsky. 1 er Article. Bulletin de la Societe imperiale des Naturalistes de Moscou 18 (1): 3 - 127.
  • Reitter E. 1877. Atritomus nov. gen. Tritomidarum. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 21 (2): 384. Reitter E. 1879. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europaischen Coleopteren. I. Enthaltend die Familien: Cucujidae, Telmatophilidae, Tritomidae, Mycetaeidae, Endomychidae, Lyctidae und Sphindidae. Verhandlungen der kaiserlich-koniglichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 21: 71 - 100.
  • Jakobson G. G. 1915. Beetles of Russia and Western Europe. Devriena, St Petersburg (1905 - 1915). [In Russian.]
  • Hetschko A. 1930. Fam. Mycetophagidae. In: Junk W. & Schenkling S. (eds) Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 108: 1 - 26. W. Junk, Berlin.
  • Iablokoff-Khnzorian S. M. 1976. Eulagius acernus Motschulsky - A misunderstooded species (Coleoptera, Mycetophagidae). Zoological Papers 17: 173 - 174.
  • ICZN (International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature). 1999. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth edition adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. The International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London.
  • Nikitsky N. B. 2008. Family Mycetophagidae Leach, 1915. In: Lobl I. & Smetana A. (eds) Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. 5. Tenebrionoidea: 51 - 55. Apollo Book, Stenstrup.
  • Nikitsky N. B. 2020. Family Mycetophagidae Leach, 1915. In: Iwan D. & Lobl I. (eds) Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. 5. Tenebrionoidea. Revised and Updated Second Edition: 27 - 33. Brill, Leiden / Boston.