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Published June 7, 2022 | Version v2
Conference paper Open

Scramble Live: Combining LSTM and Markov Chains for Real-time Musical Interaction.

  • 1. Conservatorio C.Pollini of Padua


Scramble Live is a complementary tool for Scramble1 , a standalone MIDI software developed in Max/MSP 2 for the real-time generation of polyphonic music [1]. At their core, both tools combine the flexibility of Markov Chains for the generation of pitch transitions with the generalization capabilities offered by LSTM neural networks on the rhythmic and dynamic domains. Scramble performs the analysis of MIDI files, allows for the selection of the LSTM hyperparameters and the training of the neural network through an intuitive user interface, but offers limited real time interactivity on playback. Scramble Live relies on the models generated by Scramble , but allows for a high degree of interaction with live instrumentalists and with the system itself. To complete its performance-focused capabilities, Scramble Live offers MIDI mapping and synchronization to external clock sources.



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