Published June 28, 2022 | Version Journal Article
Journal article Open

ONU, ordem global e autonomia da arte: de Portinari a Rauschenberg

  • 1. University of São Paulo



This article is about the autonomy of art and the significance of the image
with respect to the global democratic ideal and the notion of freedom. I present examples of the art of Candido Portinari and Robert Rauschenberg that are associated with the institutional objectives of the UN. On the one hand, there is the significant representation of Brazil at the headquarters of this entity, and on the other hand is the significance of Rauschenberg’s Tribute 21 series, which was donated to the MAC USP in this same context.


This article was initially published in the Jornal da USP. Later, the editors of the Revista USP selected it for this special edition on the independence bicentennial. Revista USP is available both online and in a printed version.


Christiane_Wagner_Revista USP [133]_ Bicentenário da Independência_Cultura e Sociedade.pdf

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