Published July 1, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Board.Net: Specifications and Features Providing Education without Boundaries

  • 1. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The emerge of distance (or remote) learning in the educational arena under the influence of external factors has caused the necessity to adapt the classical learning format, using modern technologies to meet the needs of students with a focus on learning, careful processing and development of new skills and abilities under the guidance of teachers. The changes in the format of the educational process have also led to the need to modernize the format of arrangement and distribution of informational materials needed for learning among students and teachers, which, as a result, affected the transition of the latter to the use of virtual files on virtual platforms. As the title implies, the article describes the functioning of a cloud etherpad as an alternative platform for synchronous and asynchronous distance e-learning, focusing on the specifications and characteristic features of the former. Much attention is given to the compliance of the interactive board with needs and wants of today’s students and teachers by offering users a convenient format for learning, along with a range of tools and features that allow them to fully immerse themselves in the lesson without being distracted by searching for the required material, as well as separate platforms for attaching completed assignments and consulting with the teacher. The text also gives valuable information on advantages and disadvantages of the cloud interactive board, applied in the educational system, particularly in Ukraine, provides examples of its usage during the English class in workshop format for Ukrainian students of the School of Foreign Languages via the third type of complete orientation under the teacher’s virtual supervision and offers the comparison of its application with competitors’ ones for further consideration. We take the article to be of great help to the researchers on modern education, specialist in the implementation of technology and digitalization into the educational process, teachers specifically of English as a foreign language as well as of other disciplines and for all those interested in using interactive whiteboards to improve the quality of their learning, including ones who face different difficulties in making full use of modern programs and platforms in emergency situations, yet are having a desire and an intention to continue their education.


Board.Net Specifications and Features Providing Education without.pdf

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