Published June 30, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

EOSC-Life Access and User Management System for Life Science – the blueprint update


This deliverable is the updated blueprint of the Life Science AAI (LS AAI), a common authentication and authorisation service for the European life science research infrastructures. The Life Science AAI provides a way to coordinate how user identity and access is managed in research services in the (community-specific) federated Infrastructure.

The Life Science AAI was launched on 11 April 2022 and the users of ELIXIR AAI were migrated to it. The Life Science AAI service is managed by the life sciences community and operated by the einfrastructures, including GEANT and EGI.

This deliverable is the second update to the deliverable D5.1 “Access and User Management System for Life Science – the blueprint” [LIND19] that laid the ground for the production deployment with einfrastructures. D5.1 was updated for the first time in March 2021 by deliverable D5.3 “Access and User Management System for Life Science – the blueprint update” [LIND21]. In this deliverable and its appendices, only those sections of D5.3 are updated where the requirements have changed or become clearer, while the rest of the document remains unchanged. This deliverable can be read as an independent document, without reading D5.1 or D5.3 first.

This deliverable and its appendices first introduce the technical and non-technical requirements for the AAI service, including the components operated by the e-infrastructures, and further clarify how that relates to and integrates to the AAI service components operated by the life sciences research infrastructures. Relevant external work, including the EOSC AAI, is then introduced. Finally, the deliverable provides an overview of Life Science AAI’s potential relying services within the EOSC-Life project and beyond.


EOSC-Life_D5.4_Access and User Management System for Life Science - the blueprint update_June 2022.pdf

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EOSC-Life – Providing an open collaborative space for digital biology in Europe 824087
European Commission