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Published June 29, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Harmony Point Chinstrap penguin GPS and Time-Depth-Recorder processed data

  • 1. Instituto Antártico Chileno, Instituto Milénio BASE
  • 2. Instituto Antártico Chileno


Tracking data from Chinstrap Penguins (Pygoscelis antarcticus) tracked with axy-trek marine loggers in Harmony Point (Nelson Island, Maritime Antarctic Peninsula) in the breeding seasons of 2019/20 and 2021/22.

The zip file is composed of two folders containing outputs from the R script named "GPS_TDR_processing.R", which process raw data from Axy-trek marine loggers producing 3 outputs that are within each of the folders. The outputs are: (1) 5-min resampled foraging trips (with trip ID identified), (2) dive statistics and (3) foraging trip summaries.


Each file is named as the TagID, type of data (GPS or TDR), period (IB for late incubation / brooding - from late december to early january; CR for Chick-Rearing, from early to mid January) and season (2019/20 as 19 and 2021/22 as 21).


GPS data is composed of the fields: Date (YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS), distances, trip number and geographical coordinates in  "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs".

TDR data is composed of outputs from dive statistics summarized using the "diveMove" R package. 


Funded by Instituto Antártico Chileno, Programa AMP 24 03 052



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