Dataset: RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies (RESISTIRÉ) - policies - cycle 2
- 1. Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Contact person:
Data collectors:
- Beck, Celina2
Guenther, Elisabeth Anna2
- Kerremans, Aart3
- Wuiame, Nathalie3
- Zivkovic, Igor3
- Golemanova, Ralitsa4
- Sarnavka, Sanja5
- Kyprianou, Maria4
Thidemann Faber, Stine6
- Tanhua, Inkeri7
- Rosalou, Triin8
de Cheveigné, Suzanne9
- Wienand, Carolina10
Kambouri, Nelli11
- Kende, Agnes12
Salome Steinþórsdóttir, Finnborg13
Galligan, Yvonne14
- Gavigan, Sylvia14
Clavero, Sara14
- Ryan, Mark14
- Aglietti, Claudia15
- Berliri, Maresa15
Zitmane, Marita16
- Kontvaine, Vita17
- Niuewkamp, Elsbeth18
- Kaziur, Amber18
van Engen, Marloes19
Ciaputa, Ewelina20
Sales de Oliveira, Catarina21
Stroe, Monica22
Antonijevic, Zorana4
- Ocenasova, Zuzana23
- Zupevc, Katarina4
Ghidoni, Elena24
Tarragona, Laia24
López Belloso, María24
- Lina Sandstrom25
- Tobias Axelsson25
- Turker, Nazli26
- Ensari, Dilşah Pınar26
- Altinay, Ayse Gul26
Tzanakou, Charoula27
- Still, Alexis27
- Stovell, Clare27
- Humbert, Anne Laure27
- Buhrer, Susanne10
- Montalban, Paloma24
- 1. European Science Foundation
- 2. Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna
- 3. Yellow Window
- 4. Indipendent researcher
- 5. Solidarna - Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity
- 6. Aalborg University, Department of Politics and Society
- 7. Equality Research Helsinki (company)
- 8. University of Tallinn
- 9. CNRS, Centre Norbert Elias,
- 10. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Researc
- 11. Centre for Gender Studies Panteion University
- 12. CEU Democracy Institute
- 13. University of Iceland
- 14. TU Dublin
- 15. K&I
- 16. University of Latvia
- 17. Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences
- 18. Tilburg University
- 19. Radboud University Nijmegen
- 20. Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
- 21. UBI/Cies_Iscte
- 22. National University of Political Studies and Public Administration Bucharest
- 23. Institute for Labour and Family Affairs
- 24. DEUSTO
- 25. ORU
- 26. SABANCI University
- 27. OBU
he aim of RESISTIRÉ ( is to understand the unequal impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic and its policy responses had on behavioural, social, and economic inequalities in 31 countries (the EU 27 along with Iceland, Serbia, Turkey, and the UK) and to work towards individual and societal resilience. RESISTIRÉ does so by collecting and analysing policy data, quantitative data, and qualitative data, and by translating these into insights to be used for designing, devising, and piloting solutions for improved policies and social innovations that can be deployed by policymakers, stakeholders and actors in relevant policy domains. The project relies on a ten-partner multidisciplinary and multisectoral European consortium and a well-established network of researchers in the 31 countries. The data were generated by 30 national researchers (NRs), representing EU27 countries (minus Malta), along with Iceland, the UK, Serbia, and Turkey. Most of them are researchers and experts in gender studies and inequality studies. The NRs were asked to analyse policies designed to stimulate and support the socioeconomic process of recovering from the pandemic in their respective countries.