Published June 27, 2022
| Version v1
Comprehensive analysis of locomotion dynamics in the protochordate Ciona intestinalis reveals how neuromodulators flexibly shape its behavioral repertoire.
- 1. Sars International Centre for Marine Molecular Biology
This record contains (as of 2022-06-27) datasets corresponding to the study of behavior in swimming Ciona intestinalis larvae (controls and drug treated animals) that were recorded in our behavioural setups. In particular, it contains:
- multi-point tracking data of the larvae obtained using the Tierpsy Tracker (developed by Andre Brown's lab, MRC LMS).
- features like curvature, speed etc calculated from the tracking data
- results of time-series analyses (matrix-profiling, hidden markov modelling, spatio-temporal clustering) performed on the feature dataset
- Hidden Markov Models trained for inferences