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Published March 31, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Focus Report On Innovative Digital Formats

  • 1. Formicablu


In ENJOI, we are examining in depth not only how people interact with science through the media and the communication platforms, but also how the news and information producers, and mainly the ones involved in covering topics that see science as a main backbone, are trying to find ways to respond to those information needs. How they are going by looking for new type of formats as well as new approaches to their audiences. And whether they are on the right path to do so. This report is one of many that will help us building a multifaceted photography of the state of the art of innovation in science journalism and communication.


ENJOI WP7. Exploring the existing landscape of innovation and openness in science journalism and communication



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ENJOI – ENgagement and JOurnalism Innovation for Outstanding Open Science Communication 101006407
European Commission