Published June 29, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Phenomenon Of Beggary in Afghanistan: An Analytical Study Of The Causes And Solutions



The research deals with the phenomenon of beggary in Afghanistan with an explanation of its causes and solutions in the light of Islamic Sharia. As this phenomenon is one of the great crises that the Afghan people suffer from, and it has negative and dangerous causes and effects on society, the most prominent of which are poverty and need, abundance, family and social problems, increased unemployment rates among young people, ease of begging, moral teachings, old age and disability, and addiction, disability and disease, rural-to-urban migration, and economic hardship such as low incomes in some jobs. Among its greatest effects is degrading human dignity and resorting to humiliating means, pushing children to drop out of school, and exposing children, women and girls to exploitation, especially sexual and material exploitation, rape, theft, and addiction. The research took the inductive method to collect legal texts from the Qur’an and Sunnah and from relevant sources and references. The research also adopted the analytical method by studying the information obtained from various sources and references related to the subject, an objective analysis, to distinguish this phenomenon and treat it. The research came out with the desired results, with a proposal for ways to solve this phenomenon in the light of Islamic Sharia.

Keywords: Phenomenon, beggary, causes, judgment, solutions.



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