Published November 30, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Oxymycterus dosytrichos



Atlantic Forest Hocicudo

Oxymycterus dosytrichos

French: Hocicudo de Mucuri / German: Mata-Atlantica-Grabmaus / Spanish: Ratén hocicudo de bosque atlantico

Taxonomy. Mus dosytrichos Schinz, 1821, “Camamu unweit Bahia,” Brazil. Restricted by A. Cabrera in 1961 to “Rio Mucuri, Bahia, Brazil” ad further by F. D. de Avila-Pires in 1965 to “lower Rio Mucuri.”

Widely used species name dasytrichus is an unjustified emendation of the original dosytrichos. The current concept of O. dosytrichos includes nominal forms Hesperomys [Oxymycterus] rostellatus, O. hispidus, O. roberti, and O. angularis. Monotypic.

Distribution. E Brazil.

Descriptive notes. Head-body 125-197 mm, tail 90-156 mm, ear 18-26 mm, hindfoot 30-42 mm; weight 40-105 g. See general characters of the genus under the Amazonian Hocicudo (0. amazonicus) account. The Atlantic Forest Hocicudo is a moderately large species of Oxymycterus. Dorsum is dark brown to paler brownish red, without strong lining of black; venter is dark gray to paler cinnamon buff or pinkish buff.

Habitat. Humid open areas near or in lowland forests and agricultural crop fields, Atlantic Forest habitats, and mountainous regions up to elevations of ¢.1800 m. In Cerrado biome, the Atlantic Forest Hocicudo is restricted to permanently inundated savanna that borders gallery forests. It was also caught in grassy margins along “wet campo” (seasonally inundated grasslands) transition and wet campo-gallery forest border but never inside gallery forest.

Food and Feeding. The Atlantic Forest Hocicudo mainly eats insects, earthworms, and termites.

Breeding. Pregnant Atlantic Forest Hocicudos with 2—4 embryos were caught in two periods, August-September and April-November.

Activity patterns. The Atlantic Forest Hocicudo is terrestrial, nocturnal, and diurnal.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information.

Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List (as O. dasytrichus).

Bibliography. de Avila-Pires (1965), Bonvicino (2016a), Cabrera (1961), Hershkovitz (1994), Hoffmann et al. (2002), Marinho-Filho et al. (2002), Oliveira (1998), Oliveira & Goncalves (2015), Pecanha (2015), Pecanha et al. (2016), Trouessart (1897), Vieira et al. (2009).


Published as part of Don E. Wilson, Russell A. Mittermeier & Thomas E. Lacher, Jr, 2017, Cricetidae, pp. 204-535 in Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II, Barcelona :Lynx Edicions on page 465, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6707142


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