Published September 9, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Landscape Analyses Priority Tiers for All CEPI Vaccine Development Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI)


  • 1. SPEAC


  • 1. SPEAC


This document collates into a single document all AESI lists developed as part of the Landscape Analyses for Lassa Fever/MERS and Nipah virus, Rift Valley Fever, Chikungunya and COVID-19. All AESIs are distributed into one of four timeline-related priority tiers which will serve to guide the creation of additional tools designed to facilitate AESI data collection, determine case definition level of certainty and support epidemiologic and other studies (Risk Factors, background rates, ICD9/10 and MedDRA codes).   


This project is funded in whole by CEPI.


SPEAC_SO1_2.2_2.3 & SO2 D2.0_Addendum_AESI Priority Tiers Aug2020 v1.2.pdf

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