Published June 15, 2022 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Effective training of transferable skills related to open science and innovation for PhD candidates and early-stage researchers. Experimental research results.

  • 1. RTDI
  • 1. RTDI


Full report on the experimental research carried out within Discovery Learning H2020 project, mainly focused onto 2 hypotheses:

  • If specific / punctual enriched activities by practitioners are inserted within the training programme, then the level of engagement and performance improves significantly (‘engagement’ meaning their level of activation and participation in the activities, discussions and practice; ‘performance’ referring to the quality of their contributions). Also, institutions can train more students in transferable skills related to open science and innovation.
  • If trainees are given specific and relevant work-based training activities within real situations in real time, and engage in them with the real owners of the activity (practitioners), then trainees can develop several transferable skills simultaneously, and take them to a further level in a time-efficient way. Also, they can increase their awareness of their skills and their relevance for career development (facilitating metareflection about skills and, therefore, increasing the level of acquisition of related skills as well as their interest to keep improving in the mastery of these skills).

This report includes the statistical and observational analysis of all research data compiled over a series of enriched webinars and real-work-based training activities (mini-projects) to develop transferable skills related to open science and innovation addressing PhD candidates and early-stage researchers. These activities engaged around 600 trainees from 4 continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, America), from October 2021 to May 2022. It also includes the main conclusions and lessons-learnt, and how pedagogical practices are being compiled within a digital platform of what we are calling Open Educational Experiences (OEEs).

Data was compiled via surveys, focus groups, and in-depth interviews.



DL_WP2_D2.2_Experimentation results_31_05_2022.pdf

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European Commission
DISCOVERY LEARNING – Effective training of transferable skills related to open science and innovation for PhD candidates and early-stage researchers 101006452