Published May 31, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Future kindergarten teachers' pedagogical support in the process of distance learning

  • 1. Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University


The authors reveal the features of a pedagogical support organization for students of higher educational institutions (on the experience of future kindergarten teacher training) in the process of distance learning. The organization of pedagogical support of the distance learning process is carried out in several scopes, namely: analytical and diagnostic (monitoring of distance learning courses; students’ characteristics studying; identifying their cognitive and professional interests; determining the individual style of cognitive activity; monitoring educational subjects’ interaction); educational (conducting activities that increase distance learning participants’ psychological competence); advisory (advising on the development of learning material, advising distance learning participants on development, learning, professional and personal self-determination, on specific issues that arise during learning) and methodological (creating recommendations for teachers to increase student’s motivation and pedagogical support organization). The authors show that pedagogical support is not only pedagogical activity, aimed at student’s personality self-realization, but also the lecturer’s value attitude to each student’s personality; respect for their individual identities; perception of the student as an equal one, as a subject of the educational process and their lives, who have a unique inner world and ‘Me-concept’; care for future kindergarten teachers’ psychological comfort. Providing students with pedagogical support, the lecturer’s task is to select the types and means of support that would allow the student to unleash their inner potential without imposing a particular way of solving problems


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