Possibilities of effective formation of natural concepts in children of senior preschool age
- 1. Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko
The possibility of forming natural concepts in older preschool children is proved. Analyzed and selected in accordance with the purpose of the study, the definition of the term "concept" indicates that natural concepts are part of ecological competence of the child. Unlike representations, which reflect the object in a set of many different features, both significant and insignificant, the concepts carry a general, social experience, denote the essence of the object and distinguish it from all other objects. An important task of the teacher is to stimulate students' desire to acquire knowledge independently, to transform children in active participants in the educational process, to understand the essential features and connections of phenomena and objects of nature, which means to form concepts about them.
In the process of forming a natural concept, it is impossible to do without thinking operations, which include comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization. At about 5 years of age, there are significant changes in the child's thinking, but purposeful pedagogical influence will significantly increase the effectiveness of this.
In the course of the research methods, forms and techniques for the formation of natural concepts in students were selected. Verification of data formation initially took place at the ascertaining stage of the experiment and after the forming stage. Compared to the initial study, after organized work, the number of children with a high level of formation of natural concepts increased by 10 %, also the number of children with a medium level of formation increased by 7 %, and the number of low level decreased by 18 %. Thus, specially organized forms of work, selected methods and techniques help to form natural concepts in older preschool children
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