Published February 12, 2022
| Version v3
Sample graphs and sequences for testing sequence-to-graph alignment
File descriptions:
- MHC-61.agc: 61 complete MHC sequences, including GRCh38, CHM13 and 59 haplotypes extracted from HPRC year-1 assemblies. Use AGC to extract individual haplotype sequences.
- MHC-57.gfa.gz: sequence graph constructed by minigraph-0.18, excluding sample HG002 and HG005
- C4-96.agc: 96 complete C4 sequences obtained from HPRC
- C4-90.gfa.gz: sequence graph extracted from the full HPRC year-1 minigraph graph (v0.17) around the C4A/C4B genes. The graph takes GRCh38 as the reference and excludes sample HG002, HG005 and NA19240.