Published May 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A hybrid renewable energy production system using a smart controller based on fuzzy logic

  • 1. University of Hassiba BenBouali, Algeria
  • 2. University of Loraine, France


Introduction. This article proposes an improved energy management and optimization system with an intelligent economic strategy based on fuzzy logic technology with multiple inputs and outputs (I/O). It is used to control hybrid electric energy sources built around photovoltaic solar panels, wind turbine and   electric energy storage system assisted by the electric grid. The novelty in this work that solar photovoltaic, wind turbine and storage system energy sources are prioritized over the grid network which is solicited only during adverse weather conditions, in order to supply a typical household using up to 4,000 Wh per day. In addition of that, the surplus of renewable energy produced during favorable climatic condition is used to produce hydrogen suitable for household heating and cooking using eletrolyzer system. Purpose. Development of improved energy management and optimization system with an intelligent economic strategy based on fuzzy logic technology. This system is embedded on Arduino 2560 mega microcontroller, on which the fundamental program of fuzzy logic and the distribution of events with all possible scenarios have been implemented according to a flowchart allowing the management of the hybrid system. Methods as well as a parametric search and a simulation to characterize the system, are carried out in order to put on the proposed techniques to ensure continuous accommodation at home. Results. The proposed system results confirm their effectiveness by visualizing the output control signals from the electronic switches. Practical value of which transmits power through a single-phase DC/AC converter to power the AC load for the accommodation.


A hybrid renewable energy production system using a smart controller based on fuzzy logic.pdf

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