Summary report HyDelta 1
This document summarizes the main findings of the HyDelta (phase 1) project, a research program on the introduction of clean hydrogen as energy carrier and feedstock in the Netherlands and the role of infrastructure in particular. The HyDelta 1 project was the first part of a planned series of projects within the so-called HyDelta programme. The project was carried out during the period between December 2020 and April 2022 and has a particular focus on hydrogen transport and distribution through the gas grid, the costs of the value chain and some other factors that urgently need clarification in order to set the conditions for a wider implementation of hydrogen. The program also tries to connect the research findings with policies and measures.
Most of the research questions have been formulated in close collaboration between the consortium partners carrying out the research, New Energy Coalition (coordinator), DNV, TNO and Kiwa, and the consortium sponsoring partners Gasunie and Netbeheer Nederland (NBNL) who are responsible for much of the Netherlands’ current and future national and regional transport and storage activities of natural gas. Funding from the national innovation subsidy body, TKI Nieuw Gas, significantly contributed to enabling the HyDelta 1 project.
In HyDelta 1 a total number of 37 deliverables has been produced (Annex 1), all of which are publicly available as of June 2022 on the website. This summary is meant to provide a snapshot overview with a fairly strong focus on the societal impact of the complete research findings. Readers interested in a deeper understanding of the research, methodology and detailed findings are invited to visit the site mentioned.
The HyDelta Steering Committee
René Schutte, Gasunie
Rob Martens, Netbeheer Nederland
Jörg Gigler, TKI Nieuw Gas
Ad van Wijk, TUDelft
ERRATUM (24-October-2022): the caption of Figure 6 (page 21 of the EN version) has the following error. Current text: "Figure 6. Expected LCOH ranges of green hydrogen production in different parts of the world in 2030 and 2040. Source: D7B.3". It should read: "Figure 6. Expected landed cost range (LCOH) of green hydrogen imported from different parts of the world, via different energy carriers, in 2030 and 2040. Source: D7B.3". The calculated costs are thus not only of green hydrogen production but also contain the cost of transport and landing in the Netherlands.
ERRATUM (24 october 2022): het onderschrift van Figuur 6 (pagina 21 van de NL versie) heeft de volgende foutmelding. Huidige tekst: "Figuur 6. Verwachte LCOH-ranges van groene waterstofproductie in verschillende delen van de wereld in 2030 (zwart) en 2040 (grijs). Bron: D7B.3". De tekst moet luiden: "Figuur 6. Verwachte landingskosten (LCOH-ranges) van groene waterstofimport uit verschillende delen van de wereld via verschillende energiedragers in 2030 (zwart) en 2040 (grijs). Bron: D7B.3". De berekende kosten zijn dus niet alleen van de productie van groene waterstof, maar bevatten ook de kosten van vervoer en aanlanding in Nederland.
HyDelta end of project report - final design EN (online version).pdf
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