Published January 1, 1985 | Version v1
Report Restricted

An Excavation at Cherrybrook, Site 45-6-1649

  • 1. Brayshaw & Associates


The Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board proposes to construct a 750 mm sewerage pipeline along the eastern bank of Pyes Creek. This pipeline will service the urban subdivision which Hooker Rex is currently developing along the ridges east and west of Pyes Creek (see Figures 1 and 2). The initial archaeological survey of this area was undertaken in March 1984 (McDonald 1984). This survey located three archaeological sites (CB 1 shelter with occupation deposit, CB 2 I grinding grooves, and CB 3 shelter with art). The survey also located a number of shelters which were classified as Potential Habitation Shelters (PHS), several of these with Potential Archaeological Deposit (PAD). ...


Report prepared for the Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board, N.S.W.



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