Published November 22, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Improving transmission network resilience based on DLR grid management system


Since the changes in the energy sector in the last few years, it can be stated that the electricity systems will play a particularly important role in the future of the sustainable energy systems. The increasing demand for electricity on the consumer side and the growing number of renewable energy sources on the producer side are encouraging the increase in transmission capacity.

Dynamic Line Rating (hereinafter referred to as DLR) is a novel, cost-effective grid management method that can increase power lines ampacity without serious network development. While the use of DLR has many benefits, there are also some challenges that system operators have to cope with for the implementation at system level. Real-time monitoring of the power lines requires several special sensors and weather stations installed on the conductor and the high voltage towers, which are currently being developed. DLR calculation algorithms are also being developed. There are several realization options for system implementation, such as soft-computing methods, probability based and physical models or the use of overhead line monitoring systems. The purpose of this article is to give a comprehensive view of the DLR method and the existing DLR models. Another major aim is to present the BME white box model developed from the CIGRE and IEEE model and the soft computing method based on BME DLR black box model. To compare the results of the two models, a case study was carried out, which could give a more accurate picture of the operation of the models and their application limits.

As a result of a complete DLR grid management system the transmission capacity of overhead lines could be raised without compromising safety and security issues. In this way, the transmission grid becomes more resilient and flexible.


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FLEXITRANSTORE – An Integrated Platform for Incresed FLEXIbility in smart TRANSmission grids with STORage Entities and large penetration of Renewable Energy Sources 774407
European Commission