Published May 20, 2022 | Version v1
Report Open

Designing Online Assessment. Solutions that are Rigorous, Trusted, Flexible and Scalable

  • 1. Open University, UK
  • 2. Open Universiteit
  • 3. EADTU


The report is the outcome of a Special Interest Group (SIG) on Online Assessment, representing 17 EADTU member institutions. The mission of the group is to share members’ local expertise in how to design and plan institutional online assessment strategies and the experiences from delivering under the conditions of the Covid19 pandemic and in a post pandemic world.

The report includes a ‘baseline’ of the challenges, practices and new developments during the pandemic, examples of research and innovation in online assessment, and the supportive (or non-supportive) national policies and frameworks that define the context of assessment for the institutions. It also includes practical examples ('Good practices') from SIG members that can help, if not inspire developing better practice and new thinking in other member institutions.


Rossade_Janssen_Wood_Ubachs_2022_Designing Online Assessment - Solutions that are Rigorous, Trusted, Flexible and Scalable.pdf