Published May 13, 2022 | Version v1
Book Open

Models and guidelines for the design and development of joint micro-credential courses and microlearning units in higher education


This eBook provides pedagogical guidelines for designing and developing joint micro-credential courses and microlearning units.

The development of micro-credentials from a lifelong learning perspective is a top priority of the European Commission, as expressed in the European Commission’s Proposal for a Recommendation to the Council of Ministers on Micro-credentials. The Proposal defines the elements required when granting micro-credential awards. In the preparatory documents of the European Commission’s Micro-Credentials in Higher Education Consultation Group, the offer of micro-credentials can vary in learning volume from 1 ECTS to any volume smaller than a degree at the same EQF level.

In this eBook, we cover joint micro-credential courses of 1 to 3 ECTS and stand-alone microlearning units of less than 1 ECTS. 



Henderikx_Ubachs_Antonaci_2022_Models and guidelines for the design and development of joint micro-credential courses and microlearning units in higher education.pdf