Telebasis blasi Bota-Sierra & Sandoval-H & Pérez-Gutiérrez 2022
- 1. Grupo de Entomología Universidad de Antioquia (GEUA), Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
- 2. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9369 - 2717; julisando @ gmail. com
- 3. Grupo de investigación Biodiversidad del Caribe Colombiano, Departamento de Biología, Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia & Laboratório de Sistemática de Insetos Aquáticos (LABSIA), Universidade Federal do Paraná, Jardim das Américas, Curitiba, Brazil. talysker @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2775 - 3040
Telebasis blasi Bota-Sierra & Sandoval-H. sp. nov.
(Figs. 1–4)
Examined material (13♂♂ & 7♀♀): All material in CEUA: Holotype: 1♂, Colombia, Risaralda Department, Pueblo Rico Municipality, Santa Cecilia Village, Río Amurrupa, N 5.32827° W 76.14867° 420 m asl, small pond close to the river margin surrounded by forest, 12-i-2019, Leg. C. Bota, J.A. Machado & N. Uribe, CEUA66514. Same as former but: Allotype: 1♀, CEUA 66515; Paratypes: 1♂, 17-ix-2016, Leg. C. Bota & C. Flórez. Same as former but: 1♂, 14-ii-2017, Leg. C. Bota; 1♂, 17-ii-2017, Leg. C. Bota; 1♂ & 2♀♀, 15-xi-2018, Leg. J. Sandoval-H & C. Bota; 1♂ & 1♀, 11-xii-2018, Leg. C. Bota; 2♂♂ & 2♀♀, 12-i-2019, Leg. C. Bota, J.A. Machado & N. Uribe; 1♂ & 1♀, Quebrada Cinto, N 5.34550° W 76.15141° 435 m asl, pond near the stream in forest edge, 20-ix-2016, Leg. C. Bota. 5♂♂ & 2♀♀, Río Guarato, Charco Sábalo, N 5.36475° W 76.20392° 330 m asl, small pond near the river in the forest edge, 22-xi-2018, Leg. B. Cardenas, S. Bustamante & C. Bota.
Etymology: we dedicate this species to don Blas Antonio Cardenas, naturalist, friend, and conservation leader in the Western Colombian Andean foothills. He guided us through the forests of this beautiful region during long journeys that allowed us to discover this species.
Description of holotype
Head. Orange except cream labium, and dark burgundy vertex, post frons, and occiput. When alive eyes reddish brown with ventral portion yellowish brown (Figs. 1a, 3). Rear of head black.
Thorax. Yellow except dark burgundy wide middorsal stripe extending along prothorax and pterothorax, mesepimeral stripe, thin stripes on antehumeral and metapleural sutures, and an orange stripe extending from pronotum to mesepisternum and the dorsal portion of mesepimeron (Fig. 3). Lateral margin of posterior lobe of prothorax rounded in dorsal view. Legs: Coxae yellowish white; external surface of femora black and inner surface light green; tibiae external surface light green and inner surface black, tarsus and spurs black (Fig. 3). The spurs on femora increase in size from base to apex (eight in metafemora), the spurs on tibiae decrease in size from base to apex (eight in left and seven in right metatibia).
Wings. Hyaline with dark brown venation and orange pt (Fig. 3), which overlies one cell and has a ratio between distal and proximal length of about 1:1. Px in FW 13; Px in HW 11 in left and 12 in right.
Abdomen. Bright red except S1 lateral portions and venter of S2, which are yellow, and S9–10 which are dark red (Fig. 3).
Genital ligula. Distal segment is clubbed, with tip slightly expanded distally in ectal view and distinctly expanded distally in lateral view, with inner fold small extending less than ¼ of the apical segment of ligula (Figs. 1b–c), and chitinized semicircular tubercles with denticles along its edges located at laterobasal angles of ligula flexure (Figs. 1b–c).
Caudal appendages. Cercus and paraproct dark red. Cercus with a complete elongated seam, which makes it look two-parted in lateral and ventrolateral views, with an internal tooth at 2/3 of its length (Figs. 1e–f), and similar in length to the paraproct. Paraproct with upcurved tip (Figs. 1d–f).
Measurements. Abdomen: 31; FW: 24, HW: 23, total: 39 mm.
Description of allotype. As holotype but:
Head: brown instead of orange (Figs. 2a, 3).
Thorax. the orange stripe is yellow (Fig. 3). Posterior lobe of pronotum erect and with posterolateral portions concave in dorsal view, with a pair of flattened anteriorly directed horns, with tips rounded and divergent extending over middle lobe (Figs. 2a, c–d). Mesostigmal plates with medial margins sclerotized, postero-lateral margin raised with a black and smooth pit behind it (Figs. 2c–d). Legs: seven spurs on metatibiae.
Wings. Px 12 in right and 13 in left in FW, and 11 Px in HW.
Abdomen. same pattern as male except bright red colors are reddish brown (Fig. 3), S8–10 dark brown, cercus, paraproct, and ovipositor black. Cercus length close to ¾ of S10 length, ovipositor does not extend beyond S10 (Fig. 2b). S10 lacking a supplementary transverse carina in dorsal view.
Measurements. Abdomen: 31; FW: 26, HW: 25, total: 41 mm.
Variation in male paratypes: number of spurs on metafemur: 6–10; on metatibia 6–9. Px 11–14 in FW, Px 11–12 in HW. Measurements: Abdomen: 28–29; FW: 22–24, HW: 21–23, Total: 37–41 mm.
Variation in female paratypes: number of spurs on metafemur: 6–9; on metatibia 7–9. Px 11–14 in FW, Px 11–12 in HW. Measurements: Abdomen: 30–31; FW: 24–26, HW: 23–25, Total: 39–41 mm.
Differential diagnosis: We place males of this species in Garrison’s (2009) Key M-3, because distance between bases of cerci is larger than 0.50 of the basal width of each cercus, wings are hyaline, and cerci have a complete elongated seam which makes them look two-parted in lateral and ventrolateral view (Figs. 1e–f). Within this group T. blasi shares cercus length which in lateral view is similar to paraproct length (Fig. 1f) with T. carmesina Calvert, 1909 and T. milleri Garrison, 1997; the other species in M-3 have cerci twice as long as paraprocts. Telebasis blasi can be separated from T. carmesina and T. milleri by the upcurved tips of its paraprocts (Figs. 1d–f). Telebasis blasi genital ligula distal segment is clubbed, with tip slightly expanded distally in ectal view and distinctly expanded distally in lateral view, with inner fold small extending less than ¼ of the apical segment of ligula (Figs. 1b–c), which places it in the Ma-5 group of species (Garrison 2009). In this group the most similar species are T. aurea May, 1992, T. digiticollis, T. griffinii, and T. levis Garrison, 2009 due to coloration and the shape of the ligula, which tip is straight, foliate, undifferentiated in lateral view; and have well-developed chitinized round or denticulate tubercle at laterobasal angle of flexure. Telebasis blasi differs from them because the inner fold is small, less than ¼ of the apical segment of ligula and has shaft hairs on the basal segment of ligula (Figs. 1b–c).
Females can be placed in Garrison’s (2009) group F-7 because they lack mesepisternal pits lateral to mid-dorsal carina, ovipositor does not extend beyond S10 (Fig. 2b), thoracic pale coloration covers more than 60% of the thorax, posterior portion of mesepisternal stripe is linear, middorsal carina is dark (Fig. 3), and they have obvious prothoracic horns, extending anteriorly from posterior lobe (Figs. 2c–d). Telebasis blasi can be distinguished from all other females grouped in F-7 by its coloration pattern since is the only one with dark rear of head and a dark stripe on metepimeron under antehumeral suture (Fig. 3), and also by the shape of its pronotum and prothoracic horns which are unique (Figs. 2c–d).
Habitat and Ecology. So far, we have only found this species in three localities in the foothills of the Andean Cordillera Occidental, at the limits between Risaralda and Chocó departments (Fig. 4), where it inhabits small ponds with emergent vegetation, inside forests or at its edges close to small rivers. There it shares its habitat with Acanthagrion trilobatum Leonard, 1977, Archilestes chocoanus Pérez-Gutiérrez, 2012, Libellula herculea Karsch, 1891, Micrathyria dictynna Ris, 1919, Orthemis cultriformis Calvert, 1899, O. sulphurata Hagen, 1868, Psaironeura angeloi Tennessen, 2016, T. garleppi Ris, 1918, and Uracis imbuta Burmeister, 1839.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2016-09-20 , 2018-11-22 , 2019-01-12
- Family
- Coenagrionidae
- Genus
- Telebasis
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- CEUA 66515 , CEUA66514
- Order
- Odonata
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Bota-Sierra & Sandoval-H & Pérez-Gutiérrez
- Species
- blasi
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- allotype , paratype
- Verbatim event date
- 2016-09-20 , 2018-11-22 , 2019-01-12
- Taxonomic concept label
- Telebasis blasi Bota-Sierra, 2022 sec. Bota-Sierra, Sandoval-H & Pérez-Gutiérrez, 2022
- Garrison, R. W. (2009) A synopsis of the genus Telebasis (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). International Journal of Odonatology, 12, 1 - 121. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 13887890.2009.9748331